Tomorrow's the day

by BlackSwan of Memphis 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • nelly136

    good luck with your daughters surgery, thoughts be with you.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Hope all goes well for her. Glad your BIL called - that is a good thing. Inside, these are just people, very confused and controlled people.

    Give this flower to Hannah for me.


  • juni

    My thoughts are with you, your husband and little Hannah. Everything will be fine! I'm happy to hear also that your in laws called.

    Like Jeff said. They are normal people w/their minds twisted up in this religion.

    Peace to you and your family,


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Thank you all so much for the well wishes and prayers.

    And thank you Jeff for the beautiful flower. You hit Hannah's weak spot. She loves flowers

    I posted a new topic on this: To update you guys.

    Jeff, (and Juni) you couldn't be more right, unfortunately.

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