An Apology from Dave Wiltshire to You Know!
After looking at Jude 8,9 I feel I owe You Know an apology.
Look what it says:
” in like manner not withstanding, these men, too, indulging in dreams, are defiling the flesh and disregarding lordship and speaking abusively of glorious ones. But when Michael the archangel had a difference with the Devil and was disputing about Moses body, he did not dare to bring a judgment against him in abusive terms, but said, “ May the LORD rebuke you.
From these verses I think this:
1) That when Jude says glorious ones who where being spoken against, that these could even include Satan the Devil.
2) Even Michael wouldn’t call down evil or speak abusively of the Devil, he didn’t even dare the account says.
So if that is the case then I have to say:
“ You Know I’m sorry when in your thread a couple of days ago I said,” You heartless B-------.” “I see now that if Michael could not speak abusively of the Devil than I can not speak abusively of You”.
I’m not asking for forgiveness or anything, I’m just trying to right a wrong.
Forgiveness that I need comes from God.
Just righting a wrong.
Oh by the way if anybody feels that I have the wrong understanding of Jude 8,9,10, please tell me, maybe I got it all wrong, so would value anyones outlook, just keep it breif and in your own words.
If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?