(((At the time Michael was disputing with the Devil it was in the time of Moses. That was BEFORE Michael came to earth as Jesus and it was BEFORE Jesus was exalted to become the king of God's kingdom and BEFORE Jehovah conferred upon him all authority in heaven and on earth. So Michael showed respect for Jehovah's position by saying: "May Jehovah rebuke you." Since that time Michael has been given authority over Satan to not only oust him from heaven but to bind him in chains. That's why we read at Revelation the 12th chapter that Michael and his angels kick Satan and the demons out of heaven and Revelation the 20th chapter reveals that an angels tosses him into an abyss. The ultimate defeat of the Devil is something reserved exclusively for Jesus Christ because Satan had Jesus murdered. As the ultimate act of vengeance and justice Jehovah has empowered Jesus to crush the Devil. That's what Genesis foretold that the seed of the woman would do. The fact that Michael is shown in Scripture taking direct action against the Devil, something reserved for Christ to do, proves that Jesus and Michael are one and the same. / You Know)))
***So when did the archangel Michael, after becoming Jesus, become the fallen angel of the bottomless pit named Abaddon?