If he is dating me and risking all perhaps he has doubt? of course we are doomed anyway...but at least I can live knowing I tried......
Actually, smiley, he is not risking anything if you look at his actions objectively. I believe you said he has been reinstated, so he is back in the fold. Also, you mentioned that you were under a lot of pressure...that is...until you agreed to look at the publications, then the pressure lifted. So, ask yourself, what is he risking? He is most certainly getting pressure from both his family and the congregation about dating a "Worldly Person" and what he did was put pressure on you to change, rather than tell his family and the congregation to mind their business. So all he has done is convinced you to compromise your position concerning the JW's, thereby getting the pressure off of HIS back. He sacraficed you to relieve his pressure. What has he risked? As long as he can report back that you are looking into things, and better yet, "studying", he has not risked a thing. Everyone will sit back and rejoice that you are interested in the "Truth". If you look into the JW's and decide that it is not for you, you quite likely will see a different side to your boyfriend.
Now, if your JW man told everyone to mind their business because he loves you as you are and he does not expect you to change your beliefs, he is then risking something. If he ever stated that to his family and to the congregation he would then be under a lot of pressure to break up with you.
I agree with the comments that if you are interested in looking into things because you want to look into them for yourself, then you should. However that is not what you have said. I completely understand that you want to try and save the relationship by looking into the JW's...just please understand that your relationship, and you, would be better off taking a stand now, rather than looking into things and then rejecting the JW beliefs. Once you reject it will be a whole new ballgame. I wish you the best as you go through this difficult time. These things are never easy.