How Often Do You Come To JWD During A Day, Week or Month??? Hours or Mins?

by minimus 559 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Finished 2nd cuppa for the morn. Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto, number 1, B flat minor, opus 23, Harvey LeVan Cliburn - just finished. 10:00 a.m. What an exciting time, his winning First Prize in the Soviet Union - was it 1957, DD? Ticker-tape parade in NYC. Electrifying performance. Have a tape of him playing it. Hittin' the books today. Research. Have you heard the WORK's over, Dear Diary? But how will the R&F remain under control? And the news of gas leaks everywhere? Have to check that out. Need to see how the 6 babes are doing - can you fathom the reason for leaking to the media that the parents are JWs? A ploy to get outside help and out from the clutches of Mommie Dearest? Trying to getta grasp of all I've read so far. Keep me posted, DD, if you and your comrades in print run into anything new ... backinnabit.......


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I've been hunting high and low for you the last 24 hours - where'd you slip away to? Anyway, I've found you! So much to tell you, 'specially about STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT. My first viewing. "Resistance is futile!" ... "Reports of my assimilation have been greatly exaggerated!" ... "Wasn't it enought that you assimilated me and that I had to give myself freely to the Borg?" ... "Believing oneself to be perfect is often the sign of a delusional mind." DD - why does all this sound so familiar? Where have I been the last 40 years? And why is #1 called Will Riker? William Riker was the founder and spiritual "Father" of Holy City, CA that we were discussing the other day... Coincidence?
    Well, I found you! Gotta find my bored friends who've been missing the last 24...........


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Do you know the Ferryman? I was told by HS that he needs to be paid. Is he aka the Piper? Last night when I couldn't find you and I thought my life was over, I ran into Hil and he was telling me how some of us have had our vision stolen. So very true! Our creative urges were deemed as unworthy and unnecessary re: the more important "pre'dication de la bonne nouvelle" - the preaching work! All of us were stirred into the huge "melting pot" of WTS life. The FDS stifled our collective voice. WE HAVE ASSIMILATED YOU! I need to talk to him some more.


  • plmkrzy

    I post so rarely I missed this entire thread until today. I am lucky to post once or twice a week these days. I use to post my limit everyday. I was obsessed.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    So much to tell you since we were outa touch for 24! Been going over stuff about 'who really is the YKW'! You know whom I mean, DD. You know what I'm thinking even before I put it down. It's still so cold outside, but I gotta do a lil' clean up after alla last week's pruning. Life here on Walden Pond is beyond what I ever hoped for. All those years slaving on the Estate. And for what? Enslaved I was in more ways than you could imagine...... I don't get out much anymore. I am so relieved that the toxicity of many decades past has been flushed from my system. Just heard "That Old Time Religion" on NPR - that's what I need, the genuine article, NOT the new -and-improved GN from YKW! Why doesn't YKW get the point of Galatians 1:8? What is so hard about that? Deary Diary - don't get me started on another rant. I really got to get outside... where's my long underwear?


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I'm at jwd almost every day when i'm not battling depression.

  • TonyT

    I check in daily.

    I wish my post limit were increased so I could post more.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Back from the garden. Was listening to Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake" on NPR. Have watched and heard bits and pieces of it in "Billy Elliot" and "The Music Lovers." Cleaned up the gravilia and the junipers - sculpted them topiary-style. Cleared out years of dead, live oak leaves and twigs. Looks great, but I'm bushed. Need a nap. After all, it IS Sunday. Backinnabit, DD.........


  • jwfacts


    I noticed your posting rate dropped once Blondie hit 20,000. I think you slackened off out of jealousy.

    I have a quick look a couple of times a day and average 5 posts per day, but my new years resolution is to cut back.

  • itsallgoodnow

    I sometimes go days, weeks, months without even popping in. nowhere near 15 posts a day.... am I getting a little bit apathetic?

    Here's the thing about my apathy.

    There's someone who recently got disfellowshipped. I found her address recently and composed a really great letter to send, anonymously, and deciced to think about it before mailing it. I ended up being dragged to a meeting recently for the first time in a few months, and I saw her there. I suddenly didn't care enough to send it anymore. I figured, why bother. You know? she's trying to go back. why would she listen to an anonymous letter when she's sitting there in the back like a jackass? She wouldn't listen, and I don't really care that much anymore.

    I kind of feel bad about my apathy, but there it is.

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