franiespeakin-a noble idea but what the witness will say to you is ' I came and found you, if you wish to share your beliefs with me you need to go door to door and find me.' How you combat this is you get there name and look them up in the directory. then see how they respond.
Door to Door: Tit for Tat
by SixofNine 26 Replies latest jw friends
Word. Stop pushing your beliefs on other people. If they really wanted to soak in the converts, they would gather people together, hold an open house, and advertise the benefits of joining up.
For obvious reasons this would never work!
That was really funny , i needed something to cheer me up - only trouble was it wasn't long enough!v clever lol
That was so funny! It makes me really think now that I am not a jdub how offensive it really is to people to knock on someone's home door and invade their privacy by asking them about their religion. Can't believe I never saw it that way before. By turning the tables around on religious proselytizers this guy did a good job of bringing home his point. Thanks for sharing. Lilly
Now that's on right on the money Six. Excellent analogy. Damn bothersome door bashers.
Thats a good one! I too would like to see a JW version. Good find!
It would be nice if local government would impose a fine on anyone knocking on peoples doors uninvited to talk about religion. This type of law would be based on a person right of privacy, and freedom of religion or freedom from religious harassment in your own home. Especially when a religion sends people out to try and prove your religion is wrong and thier is right, and that God is going to destroy you if you don't join. To me that is harassment.
If a religion wants to make converts they should find other means to advertise, and instead of calling on people "uninvited" harassing them in their own homes. Freedom to practice the religion of your choice, doesn't give people the right to try force their religion down your throat, by calling on people who have different beliefs at their homes and putting down the persons beliefs, to me that is a form of disturbing the peace, especially when you have tracts and pamphlets discribing all other forms of religion as false and pointing to your's as the only true one. Surely this type of prostilization is harasment and should not be allowed and anyone doing it should be fined.
HaHaHa!! I LMAO!!!!