Bush's war on terrorism a failure?

by frankiespeakin 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stealth453

    In my humble opinion, Bush and his band of loons perpetuated, if not instigated the 9-11 attacks. Therefore his war on terror is aimed in the wrong direction.

  • Warlock
    Name one major act of terrorism in the United States since 9/11, then ask me that question. I don't agree with being in Iraq, but I will not agree that we have not done something to slow the terrorist down.

    Here!! Here!! Warlock

  • frankiespeakin

    When the US invaded Iraq they did more to encourage terrorism than discourage it.

    Think about it. The US invades Iraq and in the process they have killed thousands of innocent people, they have bombed hospitals killing many, they have killed innocent women and children. Many many families are left with a hate for the US because they invaded thier country. The Muslims world already have animosity towards the US because of thier support of Isreal, among other things.

    The occupation of Iraq rightly has many Muslims angered, add to this,the fact that many are joining with thier fellow country men to fight the US occupation thru guerilla warfare, which means more joining the side of terrorism against the US.

    The US can't be hypocritical and say it is fighting terrorist when they are terrorist themselves, the world outside of the US is not stupid, they see the hypocricy which indeed brings more terrorism.

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    The Muslims world already have animosity towards the US because of thier support of Isreal, among other things.

    So what. Why should the US apologize for supporting Israel? The Palestinians have always been treated as the lowest of the low in the Arab world.....by whom? .....by the rest of the Muslim world. The Palestinians are pawns for the rest of the Muslim world.

    Your post seems to indicate that the US should be overly concerned with how we are viewed by the Muslim countries. In fact the tone of your post seems to indicate that the US foreign policy should be dictated by the public opinion of foreign nations.

    I disagree, I think the US should decide our foreign policy.

  • frankiespeakin

    My Mil,

    Your post seems to indicate that the US should be overly concerned with how we are viewed by the Muslim countries. In fact the tone of your post seems to indicate that the US foreign policy should be dictated by the public opinion of foreign nations. I disagree, I think the US should decide our foreign policy.

    If you are fighting a war on terrorism, you should be concerned about how the US is viewed by the Muslim countries, if your not then your not going to get very far in fighting the war on terrorism but instead make matters much worse.

    Part of settling conflict is taking the other side into consideration. It don't take a rocket scientist to know this. Where each party in any conflict will not give any consideration to the other party or parties hardly constitute an effort to get to the bottom of the problem. The US just using its military in a terroristic way is not the answer to solving conflict in fact it will only grow more terrorist.

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    Part of settling conflict is taking the other side into consideration.

    I agree the diplomacy is necessary and important. It does apparently take a rocket scientist to know that you don't take the side of the enemy just because you don't like the policies of your president. Quite an over reaction in my opinion.

  • rwagoner

    There was no real "Question" to answer.....you made a statement and set the tone you wanted for the thread with your opinion....I mearly offered mine in graphic form in response.

    I am proud of our troops AND our President for taking an unpopular but needed stand against terrorism and the enemies of freedom.

    oh.....and while I may not agree with you or your position, I am not so braindead that I must resort to childish name calling.

  • frankiespeakin


    Sorry but patriotism, and flag wavers always struck me as braindead.

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    Sorry but patriotism, and flag wavers always struck me as braindead

    If you had the opportunity to spend any amount of time with the military culture, the soldiers who serve and their families....I have no doubt that you would progress beyond that statement, which is based on ignorance.

    You make these grandiose pleas to understand the Muslim culture, yet you do nothing to understand your own.

    On a brighter note ......Have a great Thanksgiving!

  • rwagoner

    What she said.......

    and Happy Thanksgiving

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