What is the purpose of being reinstated then? If you are doing it to make things better in your family it won't work. It is simply a status. It doesn't mean anything. Now you have a green card instead of a red one. The card without anythign else has no meaning. And it will be evident to those around you if you have the right motives.
If I were you I would not bother with the effort. It just doesn't make sense because your family is going to know better than anyone what is your true spiritual state.
If you really love your family and want to be with them, spend some time reflecting on what is in their best interests.
Either way now or at Armagedon you will be separated from your family. And that is your choice.
Maybe your family is better off not having you drag them down?
If JW is the way to go....
Do you want to be a stumbling block between your family and their everlasting life?