I was thinking about how I left "the truth" yesterday and got to wondering about the couple of sisters who were directly involved in the beginning of the end for me. I know it was because of things they personally did to me that led me to believe witnesses were not "a lovable brotherhood". And I know, THEY know of the things they did as well.
So here's the thing, I bet they don't feel the least bit guilty or even bad about it. Because I left Jehovah because I was lacking in faith, or didn't have enough roots growing into that damn craggy rock. It had absolutly NOTHING to do with the words they wrote me, the lies they told or even the people they turned against me. Even though we were....*gasp*....f-a-m-i-l-y. I mean, yeah I had issues, but I didn't deserve to be treated like an evil red-headed step child. (Even though yes, I do have red hair)
Do all witnesses have this same self-rightous attitude where nothing is there fault? It's got to be the other person and most especially the other person if they aren't a regular attendee at meetings. This just all of a sudden hit me yesterday. Has this happened to you guys?