Some Jehovah`s Witness`s(family) have medddled in my life and out right betrayed me..I have little or nothing to do with them now..They say I`m unhappy because I left the Jehovah`s Witness`s..I`m unhappy because they f*cked me over..LOL!!..If thier religion knew what they did,they would be DisfellowShipped..I`m loyal to my family,so they are safe..Unfriggin believable!..LOL!!...OUTLAW
Self-rightous witnesses? no......
by mariposa 16 Replies latest jw friends
It seems like I remember that witnesses believe that one is bloodguilty if they cause another to stumble. Is that not still the case? Though I'm sure it's hard for them to enforce but that's what they preach anyway.
darth frosty
Sadly the way witnesses look at it its who's left attending meeting's that comes out on top. I had a similar situation happen to me best friend told lies, meeting with the elder's what not. After that I basically left, he stayed in who in witness eyes looks like the righteous one? Now nevermind the fact that this guy who was an MS, turned out to be a closet HOMO, he's the one they believe cause he still goes to meetings. he since this occured has broken up with his wife (I guess its hard to stay with a closet homo) Iam still with mine, but again since he goes to the hall he's fine and dandy.
You can commit murder and have concubines living with you, but as long as you gop to the hall you are better than anything in the world. Talk about your twisted reasoning.
tall penguin
This thread reminds me of what one "friend" accused me of when I let her know I was leaving the org. She basically said I was allowing myself to be stumbled and that I should get over myself.
This was my reply to her:
Your statement, "As far as I am concerned you have allowed the imperfections of men to influence your decision to a great extent" implies that I have been "stumbled." I feel that this is an unfair and inaccurate conclusion.
As often used by Jehovah's Witnesses, this term "stumbling" implies being irked by the actions of a few imperfect people in the congregation to the demise of one's faith in the organization. There is an undercurrent of blame directed to the one "stumbled" as if their pride just couldn't get over some hurt caused by some person or even a group of people.
This is used to explain in the observer's mind how someone could possibly leave "God's organization" or why any action taken against the person by the congregation would be justified. Granted, I have been through enough in my years "in the truth" to have been "stumbled" out a long time ago yet I was not. In fact it was my firm and wholehearted belief that this was indeed "God's organization" that lead me to stay with it and endure the hardships I suffered and watched others suffer as well.
I wish I could simply say that it was a case of me being "stumbled" in this way, feeling slighted and overcome by pride that has lead me to my decision to disassociate myself from the organization. That would imply that some day I'd be able to "get over myself" and return to the organization. This is not the case.
The study, research and events which lead me to disassociate were not pride-inducing. In fact, they left me feeling incredibly humbled, 'repenting in dust and ashes.' (Job 42:6) For what I've learned has lead me to realize that the organization I followed and wholeheartedly supported virtually my whole life was not "God's channel." To admit that to myself meant taking responsibility for having believed false doctrine and preached it to others, giving over my conscience and mental faculties to men, and often exchanging good common sense based on Bible principles for the maintenance of the Society's status quo. Rather than feel a sense of pride, I felt shame and a deep sense of regret."
Of course, I got no reply. This was one of my best jw friends of 25 years.
tall penguin -
if they aren't a regular attendee at meetings.
I see this attitude quite often.
Are all jw self-righteous? I'm not a huge fan of all-inclusive language, but I will say that when you are part of a group that makes up one tenth of one percent of the population and believe that this group are the only ones doing god's will, self-righteousness is a predictible byproduct.
Mr. Kim
The SELF-RIGHTOUS witness is a big problem for EVERYONE.
The doctrine of men always seems to rule instead of the doctrine of GOD....................funny that the high and mighty nose of most JWs can't smell the sour meat!!!!!!