Special Meeting - New Work Announced

by ozziepost 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    It is reported that a special meeting has been held of all the District Overseers in the USA and the New York City Circuit Overseers at which it was announced that the field ministry would now be changed until further notice, effective immediately.

    For the time being no literature is to be offered or the suggested offer.

    The publishers are to advise each householder that due to recent events we are not engaging in our regular work, we are offering comfort where needed from the Bible to help cope with the tragedy. We are to read Isaiah 61:1, 2; 1 Peter 5: 7; and Phil. 4:6, 7.
    The brochure "When Someone You Love Dies" is NOT to be used as everyone who is missing and unaccounted is not referred to as dead, even the brothers who are still missing now. The Society is at this moment reprinting the "Terrorism" Awake! magazine, which they hope to have to the congregations this week, and each publisher is to put that magazine into everyone's hands that they speak to. In the interim, if there are still copies of that magazine that should be used, or the "Post Traumatic Stress" one, or the "Youth and Depression" one. If none of these are available then the publishers should use the tract "Comfort for the Depressed" which all congregations have.

    The Society is providing written information on all this as soon as
    possible and hopes to have the entire United States up and running with this new field ministry as soon as feasibly possible.

    On Return visits with people that publishers have been calling on a long time, get them to talk, encourage them, and then ask "Is now the time to start that Bible study we have talked about in the past."

    Strike while the iron's hot, eh?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • uncle_onion

    Does anyone know how many Jws are meant to have died in the disaster?


  • ozziepost

    At the Special Assembly Day held September 16th in Queen's (New York area), it was announced that one sister is confirmed dead in the World Trade Center collapse and that 13 additional brothers and sisters are missing and unaccounted for as of that day.


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • outnfree

    Truly, truly dismaying that the Society plans to capitalize on this event by using its resources to reprint magazines, instead of volunteering its young, strong, FREE labor force to help sift through the remains in NYC to help identify those missing and unaccounted for brothers and sisters!

    How must the families of those missing feel?

    Where's the fellow-feeling? The "identifying mark" of love?

    "By their fruits you will know them"?!!!!

    Unless I've missed something with my sporadic attendance here in the past couple of weeks and the Society is now helping in some way?


    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire

  • Seeker


    The time for volunteering has passed. For the past week, only professionals have been let onto the attack site in NYC. So to be fair, even if the Society wanted to send volunteers to clear out rubble (they don't), they wouldn't be allowed to at this stagge.

  • biblexaminer

    I read an interesting letter to the editor of the Financial Post on the 17th. If you had read that, then you would understand more about how people, (and the Governments are the people's advocates) feel toward the JW types, as a result of the WTC situation.

    As an example, in FS yesterday, a "sister" in the car group told an experience about another sister in NY city. Seems there was a special meeting concerning FS that she didn't attend, and also went out in FS without going to the group.

    She went to a door, and read Daniel 2:44 to the householder and went on about DESTRUCTION etc. The householder called the cops!

    The cops came and gave her some NEW FS instructions and told her to go home.

    JW's are going to be hit hard in the coming days, for not only are they "un-patriotic", they also preach (or at least will be viewed as preaching) the same kind of message as the terrorists.

  • patio34


    The Bible certainly is a fiddle you can play many tunes on. It depends on the current climate. The JW who used Dan. 2:44 didn't know the current tune.

    When reading the Bible straight thru, it seems like a larger percentage is about destruction and the 'terrible day of God Almighty.' So, Dan 2:44 seemed like an appropriate one...

    I guess it's whatever has the most chance of getting new recruits that is used. I dislike the term offering comfort. It's like the tobacco companies hiding their real motives. JWs hide their real motives. "We're not here to get you into our religion, we're trying to offer comfort." Yeah, right.

    Why not get their folks to offer REAL 'comfort' by donating to the many organizations that are truly helping?

    And so it goes . . .


  • ozziepost

    The New York Times of September 23rd lists the organisations that are involved in relief activities.

    Among the dozen or so listed some Christian church (e.g. Catholic) organisations as well as secular charities are listed, but no mention of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, or even the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. I wonder why that is?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • JT

    no mention of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, or even the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses



    to consider that less than 1 mile away from the WTC stands the Home and Corporate office of the Very Mouth PC of god himself and yet to have some a poor helping hand is truly revealing

    if not for any other reason they Missed a Truly Golden Opportunity to SHOW AND STRUT thier stuff , BUT instead as one bethel sister said"
    We were told to close the blinds and go back to work-- how sad indeed


  • BlackMan4Life

    R U serious?
    -Larry :)

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