Special Meeting - New Work Announced

by ozziepost 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • jackdixon1029

    I must express great dismay at the Watchtower. As an organization already under constant attack and scrutiny for its policies on disfellowship (which often tears families apart) and its misunterpreted mistranslation of the Bible, the Watchtower is now attempting to find converts among the emotional ravaged Americans who really just need to know that they are cared about and loved as Christ loves them, without condition. It would be nice if the Watchtower could learn to do the same, without the tracts in hand, without the pamphlets.

    With sincere concern,
    Jack Dixon

  • dungbeetle

    Yeah even the WT doesn't dare go door-to-door with literature that says..."be a Jehovah's Witness or you and your children and parents and the family dog and cat and goldfish are gonna die! die! die!" They are't that stupid.

    From what I can gather, my cong was told to go out with certain brochures and tract (none of which have these die die die slogans)and those two awake articles (my cong is out of them already). We have been told to go only with the bible and share only scriptures that give hope and peace and yada yada yada.

    In other words....lie about out 'mission.' Go check the study articles forum all you guys and look at the main study articles of recent watchtowers, and you can see why JW's are being told to put all the literature away.

    I especially love the fact that the rank and file JW's have already paid for their literature up front and in good faith and have now been told they can't PLACE IT!!!!

    RUN WATCHTOWER RUN. It isn't going to work this time.

    dungbeetle... STILL cleaning up the crap.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Oziiepost,

    thanks for the post!

    About the Organisation involved in relief activities,

    I saw the list also and can confirm, ...not to my surprise

    that NONE of the might WTS' corporation were listed!

    Not even the " Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses"!

    Quite a shame for " a loving and caring international brotherhood "

    but when it touches certain - things - the WTS is not there.

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

  • ozziepost
    In other words....lie about out 'mission.' Go check the study articles forum all you guys and look at the main study articles of recent watchtowers, and you can see why JW's are being told to put all the literature away.

    It's not just the recent magazines; the same message is contained in books and brochures alike.

    Check this out from the brochure "Does God Really Care About Us?":

    Note the happy JW faces with their backs turned toward the destruction.

    Also, check the illustration on page 284 of the "Revelation..Climax" book. Could that be the Manhattan skyline burning?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • Norm

    If there is a new article on terrorism they will probably recycle some of the material from their last Awake!, article on Terrorism, which they published in 1987.

    Particularly tragic in all such Awake!, articles is that they end with the usual glossy assurances that “Jehovah” is going to “solve” all kinds of problems, like poverty, crime, unemployment and of course terrorism. What they always omit to tell their readers is HOW, Jehovah is going to do just that.

    But before we go there, take a look at this tragicomic statement in that article:

    *** g87 1/8 11-14 Terrorism-What Is the Answer? ***
    Terrorism—What Is the Answer?
    In his analysis of the problem, Professor Zoppo concludes: “Hardly a modern nation was born without terror.” That would seem to indicate that terror is an unavoidable ingredient of the political process. Yet we can affirm that there is one “nation” that has been formed without terror or violence—or political intervention. It is a nation numbering over three million, of peoples from all over the world, drawn from different cultures, languages, and religions. Who are they? The people who call on you with this magazine—Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    True to “tradition” the January 8. 1987 issue of the Awake!, ended with these words:

    *** g87 1/8 11-14 Terrorism-What Is the Answer? ***
    Terrorism—What Is the Answer?
    Yes, Jehovah’s Witnesses have risen above divisive politics and nationalism, which result in wars and terrorism. They now form a people living in genuine peace, and they are preparing for the time, very soon, when the earth will be ruled only by God’s Kingdom. That will not be brought about by world conversion but by a world cleansing at God’s war of Armageddon.—Matthew 24:37-39; Revelation 16:14, 16.

    Then, true peace and everlasting life will be the portion of the meek of the earth. (Titus 1:2; Revelation 21:3, 4) If you would like to know more about this Kingdom, where terrorism will be no more, please feel free to contact Jehovah’s Witnesses in your community or write to the publishers of this magazine in your country.

    As all of us who are familiar with what Jehovah's Witnesses real attitude know that the “kingdom” they keep hoping and praying for will be ushered in with the most horrific terrorist act in human history. The WTC horror, the holocaust, every horrible slaughter ever done by man, will pale into insignificance compared to the mass slaughter of 6 billion people! So yes, the make believe “kingdom” of the Watchtower Society, the “New World Society” will be formed on the ultimate terror act, the mother of all terrorist acts.

    But of course it is a very radical idea; it is in fact true that it will solve a lot of problems. There will of course be no poverty, unemployment, crime etc if you kill the entire population of poor, unemployed people etc. A few insane world leaders had the same idea but they weren’t efficient enough and didn’t live long enough to kill everybody. Of course killing all the smokers will end smoking immediately but very few sane people for obvious reasons consider it good solution.

    Jehovah's Witnesses however call this cataclysm which they look forward to with such joy, “Good News”!

    With a God like that it is of course no wonder that the only interest the Watchtower Society and Jehovah's Witnesses have in earthquakes and terrorist acts, is the number of casualties, the more the merrier, as such the WTC was an excellent “sign”, and many of those who were on the “fringes” of the Watchtower organization clamored “back” in case Jehovah had finally gotten his “finger out” and might finally consider proceeding with the much prayed for and hoped for big A.

    It is indeed sad, yes even tragic to behold such a spectacle of human beings being steeped in all kinds of superstition, hammered into them form early age. What is even more tragic is their total inability to break free from this insane pattern of such superstition, which will hold their minds imprisoned as long as they live.


  • AngelofMuZiC

    Very...very interesting.
    My Regards,

  • msil


    They are reprinting the one from March of this year.

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum


    The picture in your last post reminds me that the Master Terrorist of the Universe is named Jehovah! How proud must those who bear his name be. It makes me want to break out in song singing, "We're Jehovah's Witnesses".

    Drahcir bin Yarrum

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    The Bible, interpreted in CONTEXT is not a 'fiddle you can play many tunes on' or anything such. You can spot most twisting of scripture just by reading the whole passage, sometimes you need to read several chapters or even the whole book but that's rare.

  • Tina

    Indeed Norm!!
    It's always been about 'paradise thru genocide'.....hugs,T

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

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