Do you really wish you could have faded?

by megsmomma 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • megsmomma

    I REALLY do wish I never got baptised....The Chuckey Cheese baptism party was SO NOT WORTH IT!!!

  • Finally-Free
    Do you really wish you could have faded?

    No, telling them to f*ck off gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling deep inside.


  • jaguarbass

    23 years ago in 1983, I made up my mind that there was something very wrong with the organization and I never went back to a meeting. I didnt answer the door or take any phone calls. I let my answering machine screen my calls. I was never disciplined in any way. My wife continued to go to the meetings for 10 years after I stopped. I guess they never figured out how to get to me, or wanted to get to me. 10 years latter my wife stopped going. My wife has a large jw family. Many elders from many congregations. She is in good standing with all of them. Or let me put it this way she and I can both go to family get togethers and its like nothing ever happened, we are not shuned. I believe this is not typical, but it is my story. The only explanation I can give is I didnt answer the door or take any phone calls from the Jws. I didnt do anything wrong that they new about except not going to meetings. Since they couldnt communicate with me or contact me they didnt know how or care to deal with me. I will say from 75 to 81 I was a ministerial servant and full time pioneer in Ohio then I moved to Florida in 81 and I didnt reach out for any responsibility in Florida from 81 to 83, I was just a publisher and went to all of the meetings. I thought the only reason I am here is my mother raised me in this situation, then I married into it. Then I kept it up because the world was going to end in 1975. When it didnt end in 1975, by 1983 I said to myself I am not going to waste any more time with this baloney and thats my story.

  • megsmomma

    New name for Finally Free....Finally F*ckin Free and Fuzzy!! LOL!

    Jag....I am glad it was that way for you. Were you ever near Jefferson Ohio (ashtabula county)? I am glad you and your wife are treated like people is a rare thing, but the way it really should be.

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