KHAA, reasn Watchtower is afraid of Kingdom hall related lawsuits (mishaps)

by DaCheech 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • truthsetsonefree
    ...Although Watch Tower PA characterizes "donations" to the program as voluntary, and ASSERTS that coverage IS NOT GUARANTEED in return, the documentation provides shows that all California congregations are covered by the program, and all are issued invoices and directed to make payments on the those invoices."

    This is what I was referring to. What it shows is that fighting WT on religious doctrine is tough because of freedom of religion issues. But they are very vulnerable in other areas as Kerry mentioned in her essay.


  • looking_glass

    But they are able to keep the lawsuits down to a minimum because of the whole "it is unscriptural to sue a brother". If you convince people that it is unholy for them to sue you because it violates god's law, the mind control is there and it controls proper thinking. It is a win win for the WTBTS, they can self insure, money coming in, very little going out ... can you hear the cash register ringing loudly now?

  • yaddayadda

    I am having the same problem as CrazyBlondeDeb and it's not the first time. ARE THE MODS GOING TO GET ONTO THIS PROBLEM PLEASE???

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    So that is why they wouldn't allow the members to use the hall as a shelter when power goes out for a week in cold or hot weather. Pity, they had to go to the churches.

    I guess there is a price to pay for being part of the world.

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