Tornado almost got me yesterday :(

by bboyneko 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tatiana

    Dan, glad you're okay. The pictures are remind us that when it comes to nature, we're nothing. You are very lucky.

    I was living in South Carolina when Hurricane Hugo hit. It was the scariest night of my life. Sounded like a freight train. We were only a few miles from the coast and the flash flooding was terrible. Huge oaks ripped out of the ground and flung across the street like toothpicks. The weirdest thing I saw was a yacht sitting up in the top of an oak tree.
    No lights or fresh water for two and a half weeks. Bags of ice going for 5.00. Never want to go through that again.....


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Billygoat


    Glad you're okay! I know tornadoes are scary things. I lived in Wichita Kansas for awhile and was there when an F4 hit a neighboring town in the mid-90's. It had a destruction path almost a mile wide and upwards of 10 miles long. It was (and still is) the worst devastation I've seen in person. (You see all kinds on the tele, but when you see it in person, it's totally different!)

    THe difference between tornadoes and hurricanes (I came from Hawaii) is that with hurricanes you have hours and even days of notice. The thing so terrifying about tornadoes is that you have barely even minutes of notice. Like a thief in the night...

    Seriously, Dan, I'm glad you and your family are doing well! I know how horribly scary they can be.


  • JWinSF

    Whew! That was a close one. Funny, we had a freak storm here in San Francisco last night as well. Not as bad as the one you had, though. But, it also occured around the same time PST, around 6-7 PM. We had heavy rain and --- something all in the mid-west and east are familiar with but very rare in the San Francisco Bay Area --- a lot of thunder and lightning. It reminded me of when I lived in Michigan. Actually, I kinda miss those storms. Sitting in a blackened out living room and suddenly, with a flash of light, being able to see everything clearly inside.

    College Park --- is that in Baltimore? I know the college area in Balto and love it there. In fact, have been toying with buying a place there.

    Good that you're safe.


  • babyboo

    I live in Michigan and we get really bad storms here too. A couple weeks ago I saw lightning strike a little ways away, but it was the closest I've ever been to a lightning strike. The thunder came as as soon as I saw the bolt and I got chills up my spine-the whole house shook. I've also been in a couple areas where tornadoes touched down around us. I love storms (I've always wanted to chase a tornado), but I have much respect for the forces of nature. I'm glad to hear you made it out ok.

  • thewiz

    I was looking out my office window in Oxon Hill, didn't see it.

    three more words:




  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    I'm glad you and yours are well.

    After careful examination of the photos I have come to the conclusion that they are HOAXES - especially that one with the flying cow and a font not found in nature - that you are perpetrationg to garner expressions of symphathy and affection from your friends here.

    Threatening to go "over the rainbow! - how audacious!

    Dan, don't be a Whine-ite! Don't go Dan! We love you Dan! If we ever said anything the least little bit not nice we didn't mean it Dan!

  • bboyneko

    Nathan you weirded me out

    hheheh...but yeah, college park is actually relativley far from baltimore (about an hour drive) It is in the Washington DC area. The kitty cats didn't seem panicked but me and saffron were quite panicked.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Yo, Dan,

    Nathan you weirded me out

    Mission accomplished! I still think that you're using fonts not found in nature.

  • slipnslidemaster

    At least the second photo from the top is edited. There is no roof on that one. How silly!

    Slipnslidemaster: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    - Ben Franklin

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    YES!! he thinks we're all just a bunch of silly geese, but WE CAN SEE THROUGH THE DECEPTION, MANIPULATION AND LIES!!!

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