True Lies— and the Watchtower Society
During a recent telephone conversation a friend mention-
ed a possible reason why the Society was motivated to
write the reasoning book. Although, we both speculated
on the reasons why, it should provide a thought provok-
ing conversation.
The Reasoning book
He mentioned and I happen to agree, that the Society
may have wrote that book not so much for the house-
holders in the territory, but to use against former
or ex-Witnesses should you encounter them.
The Internet
We also felt that the Society is terrified of the internet and
they will do anything to demonize it, in order to keep the
rank and file away from it.
First we reasoned that they will attack it in the worst way
listing pornography as the major culprit. Then they will
move onto chat rooms and provide some examples of
molesters on the internet and then when the masses
agree, attack the entire internet as being from Satan.
This is just speculation, but what do you think?
The Wanderer