I admit it. I save things. My most recent collection is digital files. I see something on the net and just have to save it. This is by far the most compact collection I have had (at one point I had about 750 books that filled a room with14 bookshelves full and then boxes of them stacked on top of the shelves)
After being on the internet for over 10 years now I have quite a collection of digital files. But do you think I can find what I want when I want without inserting each one into the computer to check what's on it? Nope. No way. And you can only put so much on a piece of paper and inserting it into the jewelcae.
Blondie says she has a great way of cataloguing her data. It seems to work quite well because she comes up with just what you want shortly after you ask.
Well I have a solution for my indexing problem. I found a program called Visual CD
Once the program is installed you insert a CD into your CD drive. Open the program and click on NEW. Find your CD drive in the list on your computer (mine is the I-drive but most people will have it labeled C or D (depending on how many drives you have on your computer.
After clicking on NEW the program will search the CD and create a list of everything on that CD. It will prompt you to give the CD a name (I'm numbering mine starting with 0001 - the 000 helps keep the files in a numbered order) and it will ask you where you want to save your new .vcc file to go. I created a file on one of my other drives and named it "CD files"
Once the file is created you can remove the CD from the drive and create another one and another and another - in my case I'll be doing this for a while.
You can also create a file of My Documents or any other directory on your computer and update the files when needed
You can also compare two files (handy because if you are like me you will save the same file more than once because you forgot that you already have it)
And if you are like me sometimes you wish you could have a printed copy of your files which was a painstaking task to print out the title of each file into Word or other program
I hope that you aren't like me when it comes to saving things but if you are, you might really like this little program.