by purplesofa 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    One of my cd holders that hold 92 cds is gone.

    All that time, money and work

    I am about halfway thru my third book

    Im sick about it. I have looked everywhere for it.

    At one of my stops I must have left the door unlocked and somebody got it, is all I can figure out.

    Special cd's .......gifts, downloads.

    I will never recover it all.

    poor me.


  • purplesofa

    I had my car stolen, with all my photos, scrapbooks, baby books and awards in the trunk

    The car was found, two weeks later, on fire burning all the contents in the trunk.

    Never can replace that stuff. Needless, I really hate thieves.

    I had two chairs on my front porch, we lived in a nice neighborhood, the chairs were antiques from England, in need of some repair. Stolen.

    My house has been robbed as well. They even stole the sheets and comforter right off my bed! It is such a violation.

    Is it just me, have you all had things stolen like me?


  • megsmomma

    I have never been robbed, but I have a gimpse of the feelings you must have. I lived in an apartment complex with a few little laundry areas through out the place. We were in between 2 of them...but I always used one of them the most. Well, I had started a load of towels and then asked husband to go put them in the dryer and he came back saying they were not there. I was LIVID! Those were all my towels....and SOMEONE else took them and now I have no towels! Well.....he was at the wrong laundry house, and I was so relieved to have my towels. I would be furious in your situation. You have had a few run ins with real jerks. I am sorry!

  • katiekitten

    Purps, thats awful. Im so sorry.

    The thing I hate about theives is that its anonymous. Id feel better if I could know who it was and shout abuse at them. Even if I couldnt get my stuff back. Wankers.

    I have been robbed twice, and oddly the really minor one upset me more than the house break.

    Im sorry about your CD,s tho.

  • purplesofa

    hey Katie,

    good to see ya, been missing ya


    It's starting to settle in the work that went into getting that book together. The money!!!!

    If it was 10 bucks a cd, that's $920.00


  • Leolaia

    Earlier this year I was at a conference for a job interview and a thief broke into my room and stole my wallet (probably while the cleaning staff was cleaning the room). It was a mistake to leave it in there unintended; the reason was that my pants suit had no pockets and I didn't want to go into the interview hand-carrying my wallet, so I hid it in a hidden compartment in one of my bags and took the chance, thinking that being away from my room for a half hour would be okay. But when I came back, the wallet was gone. Then the rest of the conference was wasted dealing with police, hotel staff, trying to get ppl back home FEDEX me my passport so I would have identification for the flight home, and then dealing with FEDEX when I learned that my passport was sent "NEXT DAY" mail instead of "SATURDAY DELIVERY" (which required me taking a taxi outside the city to the delivery center). Then a month later I got the contents of the wallet back in the mail from a Good Samaritan who found the emptied wallet at a gas station elsewhere in town. That was wonderful, since I loved the picture in my State ID and I hated to lose that....

  • megsmomma

    OMG....I can't believe I had forgotten this.....I was robbed. It was right after I had gone through a miscarriage and my hubby lost his job, which meant we were moving from Texas to Ohio so he could work for his dad. We closed our bank account and I had most of our money in envelopes with lables....Gas;food;last month rent; ect. Well, I had to go to the store and I was really in a daze, so when I had put the stuff in my car, I accidently left my purse in the cart. I realized a few minutes later and went back....the purse was turned in with out any money. What a really bad day.

  • dedpoet

    I am so sorry to hear that purps.

    I had my car broken into a few years ago, and had my stereo system ripped out, along with some tapes. It wasn't a big loss, but it's so upsetting. I'd like to get my hands on the people who do this sort of thing, they should have their fingers chopped off.

  • littlerockguy

    Sorry to hear what you went through purps. I have had all kinds of stuff stolen from me through the years, even by people I knew which makes it so aggravating and the most disturbing this is that if they were caught they only get a slap on a wrist. It really makes me sick.


  • juni

    Feel bad for you purps; that sucks!

    Yeah, while we were at the mtgs. someone stole our garage door opener out of our car and went to our house and went through the garage and stole money from the kids and me.

    Hmmmm...........................it was a teen bro from the hall, but we were encouraged not to report it. I carefully asked his mom if ****** had bought something expensive recently and she said yeah he bought skiing equipment and just laughed it off. It didn't go any further. Figure it'll catch up to him one day. He was a troubled teen and quite immature. Fortunately he didn't pee over everything as sometimes happens. Then I would've been really angry.

    It's a bad feeling having someone in your house when you're not there. That's the only time something was stolen.


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