I am sorry for everybody who has been the victim of thieves.
Years ago I used the laundromat and I learned from other people's experience NOT to leave my laundry unattended. For one thing, if the laundromat is crowded and your machine stops and somebody needs the machine, they have the RIGHT to take your stuff out and put it in a basket (if there is one there). If somebody takes your stuff either on purpose or by accident, you are simply out of luck. So, don't disappear for more than 5 minutes.
One time, I had just pulled my stuff out of the dryer into the baskets they have there and was going to start to fold it and take it home. I turned my back for one minute and some guy with coke-bottle lenses was pulling his stuff out of his dryer which was next to the one I used and he was putting his clothes on top of mine in MY bin! I had to put my hand on his arm and say "stop, my stuff is below yours". He says: "no, it isn't". I said "YES, please look!" after which he looked embarrassed and let me take my stuff which was only towels, sheets and jeans. It seems he was some man whose house washer & dryer was out of commission so he was using a public facility. (It seems you are in most danger from these types than the regulars who know how to act). I also learned to not use a machine if I didn't like the looks of the person who used it before me (homeless types, etc.) and I used a disinfectant.
Also, one girl I struck up a conversation with told me she always had her panties stolen. I can't imagine why somebody would WANT somebody else's underwear. I always wash my underwear by hand at home and would never use a public machine.
What an education I got! I also met guys there too!