here is my naturalized and humbled opinion and intention. have a beatifically beautiful day!:
i believe it to be a truism that the nature of the universe is indifference, to us. that is, in relation to us, the universe is poker-faced. but in relation to the universe-nature, our self-nature sees a slight smile, simply because there is room for one! and when one looks very closely, she sees that it is the Buddha-smile, and by lucid-extension her own knowing Human-smile reflected back to her in the dark and light swirling pool of the universe.
so, remember to smile. every smile is a symmetrical breath inward and outward, simultaneously, of a growing universe, that is You and your relation to it. this is the God-nature of Human-nature. Ultimately: Universe-nature. love it. nurture it. it is You and only You. if You choose to open your mind to universe-nature, like a flower opens itself to it's ecological niche in the morning, then avoid at all costs, at this most important time in your mind, and the universe's mind, stuffing dark, asphyxiated violence into it.
if you smile with true intention to the indifferent universe, it will smile back with equally true intention.
we all come from, and go to the same place my fellow and naturally divine children! so smile!
tetra ~+>