Offended by this week's watchtower?

by Anony-Mouse 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anony-Mouse

    It was about marriage.

    Personally, I think woman should be equals in a relationship, not the man as absolute ruler that listen's to his subject when it pleases him.

    It just irritates me that women will never be considered truly equal in JWs. Can't even get a talk without help?

    But it's not like to go all out to degrade women.

    What do you girls out there think about the organisation or bibles view on women?

  • Gretchen956

    I think if you want to be a strong independent woman you are looking in the wrong place. End of subject.



    Women should do as thier dam well told,by an intellectually inferiour husband!.....That wouldn`t work well,with some of the smart ladys we have here..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Fellow Weekly-Perusers of the WT,

    Would any of us even give it a second look if it were not being properly conducted here at JWD by an eminently qualified...WOMAN! I can deal with the offense it puts off because it is sharply and dextrously examined and evaluated, then we get to write what some at the KH wish they could say but, alas, cannot! Print what you will, but, please, let us have our say! Open discussion. Re the content, someone alluded in "Comments You Will Not Hear" that sometimes non JWs are better behaved. I know whereof I speak. Just leave the bride et al alone to plan and do as they please! PLEASE! No, I'm not offended, no, NOT AT ALL! And no rice and no toasting e ad infinitum e ad nauseum....

    CoCo Constrained

  • JWdaughter

    The things the Bible says about women are among the reasons I don't believe that it was inspired by God. I believe in a creator, but I am NOT going to hold that one responsible for some of the nonsense I have read in the scriptures. I think there is a lot of goodness and wisdom, but unfortunately it is mixed up with a lot of things that do not seem to have come from God, but rather men. Raping women and killing babies-not MY God!

  • Gill

    Generally, I can't say I'm offended any more, but it makes me smile!

    It is so ridiculous that there is no point in taking offence in it.

    The very fact that people are still printing, reading and accepting this stuff simply reveals their own lack of thinking ability.

    However, people are gradually waking up to the nonsense that this is and aware in their subconscious that women and men ARE equal.

    How long it will take to get to the forefront of the rank and file of humanities minds, is another matter.

    The Watchtower will slowly die a death as will all religions and cultures that teach such utter rubbish.

    Why be offended by a dying breed?

  • DannyHaszard

    Women ARE biologically superior to men.How so: (1) Women have a longer life expectancy than men,there are more widows than widowers
    This is due in part to(A) The protective effects of estrogen which helps protect against hardening of the arteries.

    (B) Women have "more stored fat" than men so they often live longer than men in a famine.

    (C)Women have a slightly greater organ redundancy than men,because they procreate.

    (2) Baby girls are'smarter' and thrive better than baby boys up to one year old because testosterone inhibits brain development.
    " Women are sugar and spice and everything nice"

    I LOVE women God bless you all.

    I wish you sweet success and many joys.Cheers,Danny Haszard Bangor Maine USA

  • DaCheech

    Did you notice the vows are diffrent for men than for women?

  • crazyblondeb

    I consider the source, and laugh!!!!!

  • freedomloverr


    yes. it was always something that bothered me, esp. when most women I knew in the org. were WAY more competent than most men I knew in the org. it is just such archaic thinking. tisk, tisk, when will the dubs learn??

    *gotta love Danny Hazard for his admiration for women* :wink:


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