Offended by this week's watchtower?

by Anony-Mouse 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8


    The org is very misogynistic still. Believe it or not (and pathetically so), they have actually gotten better over the years. Take a look at the old Youth book if you really want to gag, or anything predating that. This was one of many reasons I said I did not want to worship a God who viewed me as an inferior, stupid, immoral temptress. I got beat disiplined many times while studying the Youth book because I refused to accept its teachings about how bad "young people" and women are.

    If you want some more laughs (or should I say shocks) in the form of citations from wt literature, check out my brochure (MS Word format):

    Brochure: Are JWs Loving? A discussion of the unloving acts of JWs now and throughout history, including anti-Semitism, shunning, and hate of other religions. Contains a long list of WT literature citations. 4-page foldable color brochure suitable for printing on 2 sides of 8.5" x 11" paper.

    More free brochures at

    Danny Haszard,

    Back at ya.

  • Mary
    What do you girls out there think about the organisation or bibles view on women?

    I'm just waiting for the GB to enforce the wearing of burkas. The bible on the whole has a very chauvenistic attitutude towards women, but that's to be expected given the cultural background of when the bible was written. To our 21st century mind, of course it's not fair and seems unbelievable that a woman who was raped by a man had to marry him.

    Many religions have come to realize that you cannot keep the same views that people in society had 3,000 years ago with regards to women. Unfortunately, the Governing Body isn't one of them.

  • looking_glass

    Witnesses have long held the view the women are second class citizens. That will never change. The only change that has come has been w/i the minds of guys we grew up with. For the boyz that were secure in who they are, their wives are allowed to be true to themselves, intelligent independent women. As for the rest of the men, well what can I say.

    I was at a funeral dinner where a guy who I grew up w/ who is 42 let his wife wait on him hand and foot. She brought him every meal. I kid you not, the minute his plate was empty, she brought him another plate of food. When I brought this to his attention, he got defensive and said "she likes doing this". I was so disgusted. I asked him what she gets in return, other than him not beating her. Granted it was a war of wills, and he certainly was not giving in, but neither was I.

    Any religion that belittles a woman because she is intelligent and uses her brain, is not worth our time.

    I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • LongHairGal

    I agree with you all. I always found everything there highly offensive to my very being! I felt it was a place where men who were "nobodies" in the world could go and feel superior. Pathetic!

    In view of the fact that there are more women than men there, any intelligent woman over 30 has to look elsewhere for a man. All the good ones are taken. They are either married early OR they come in married.

    Unfortunately, what's left over would make the most desperate spinster flee.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    This is something that bothered me right away.

    When I really took a good look at how the bible, especially the OT, regards women, I thought "I Don't Think So!!" And women are in subjection to men according to both the OT and NT. That just doesn't fly with me.

    The first thing that went through my head was:

    Yeah, this was written by a bunch of men who were threatened by the women. If they backed all their laws up with "God said so" who could argue?

  • M.J.

    Somebody posted a thread a while ago showing how women actually held a much higher status in the NT than they do in a lot of fundy groups like the JWs. Can't remember who posted that though.

  • daystar

    Yeah, this was written by a bunch of men who were threatened by the women. If they backed all their laws up with "God said so" who could argue?

    No argument there at all.

    1> Design a system whereby the populace are convinced to accept what we want with little question. Create a super-powerful being who will punish them if they go against our will.

    2> Have this "God" make up rules that work to our benefit in maintaining control over the masses whom we convert to our "religion". We need the power to be focused into an elite class of individuals who act as spokespersons for this all-powerful being. If an individual just happens to rise from the masses attemping to wrest power from us, we simply integrate him (Jesus), thus maintaining control.

    3> Demonize all opposition. Cultivate extreme emotional backlash against any individual, group, literature, etc. that opposes our authority, placed in us by our "jealous" god. Because we say so.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear MJ,

    Found in My Favorites:

    Cultural View of Women in the Early Church

    by Lily Cruz


  • Scully
    I'm just waiting for the GB to enforce the wearing of burkas.

    Mary, I can't wait to hear about the first Judicial Committee Meeting™ that happens shortly after that:

    "Sooooo, Sister Sleazy, were you wearing a thong under your burka?? We need all the details to determine whether you are truly Repentant™!!"

  • lovelylil


    Thanks again for plugging my article. I write so many things, I almost forgot I did that one! Lilly

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