I have an aunt who is a witness. She adopted my 2 kids years ago. The kids are now 16 and 17 and have been shunned by the kingdom hall because they spoke up and said they do not want to be witnessess. Both of the kids want out of the home. I am not sure how to go about getting them out. I know that soon they will both be old enough to leave. But until then what are they going to have to endure. I am a single mom and have little momey to fight for these kids. Any advice anyone could give me would be appreciated.
adopted Teenagers want to leave jw home
by miss_fortunate_one 26 Replies latest jw friends
There isn't likely much you can do except be a support to them and let them know JW's are not CHRISTIAN and their self worth should not be based on anything they say about them. Maybe you could show them this site .... as there are other teens stuck in the religion because of their parents.
BTW...WELCOME!!!!! Were you ever a JW? This board can really help if you need any information on them.
I think that if you would encourage them to have friends outside of the JWs, it would help them to be at least socially seperated from them. Give them Christmas presents (even if its something you make) .. Just be there for them. You might could give them a reason to feel more like staying if you give them the mission of getting their adopted parents out.
I agree w/ Megz. I have a nephew who is a baptized JW, but I think he may be gay and is afraid to come out because he will be shunned and kicked out of the house. He visited me this summer. Because I did not want put him in an uncomfortable position, the only thing I could say was "I will always be here for you regardless of where you are or who you may be".
Even if you do not have the means to help the kids out, you can be a support system to them. Sometimes that is all they need before they leave the house for good.
would social services be any help? if the kids are being shunned its possible that social services may give advice on how to get them out of that environment and into more suitable accomodation especially as they arnt too little to have an opion on whether they want to be there.
Double Edge
Even if you do not have the means to help the kids out, you can be a support system to them. Sometimes that is all they need before they leave the house for good.
I agree.... you would be a great support system. Besides, they're now at the age they could get part-time jobs, even be emancipated by the law. Whatever you do, do it from a 'positive' point of view..... leave the negativity to the JWs... your kids (and others) will see the difference. Even when discussing religion, take it from the 'there's a big world out there with many wonderful points of view", and "your life is just beginning, always move forward, not backward"...."there are others that have been in your shoes and they've been successful and live great lives".....etc., etc.
I would go with the emancipation route via social services. Both would need to secure jobs after school and find a place to rent together, or have someone (like yourself) offer to be a sponsor for the kids.
Being shunned is an unwholesome, non-supportive, unloving environment. I believe they would have recourse by enlisting government funded services. Also, the JWs would hate the publicity... so contacting the local media about the deplorable emotionally damaging environment would go a long way.
My personal experience w/ social services are that unless there is something horrible happening (clear cut evidence of sexual and/or physical abuse) they will do nothing. Yes they will go and do a wellness check, but that is it. In some cases, this can cause more harm, because once SS leaves the mental abuse picks up even more. Just be careful because sometimes the help we think we are extending, in the end cause more problems for the minors. It is a tough spot to be in. Regardless of what you decide to do, good luck to you.
Let me say that this site has educated me to the jw life style. I am willing to hire an attorney on behalf of the kids so that they can be emancipated. In Texas a child can leave home at age 17 My daughter will turn 17 in October and I wonder if it would take that long for the emancipation to go through. l. I am afraid that I will inflict more harm on them if I involve myself. Yet they call me and beg for me to do something. When I told them that things were already so bad that they could not get worse, they informed me that it could get much worse. How much worse can it get?