I get the same thing asking for user name and password
Get A Load Of This Anti Watchtower Site!
by minimus 144 Replies latest jw friends
Here is a link to a "sex witch" story:
I'd never heard that expression either...so I googled it!
Yep, someone is watching this thread. Now they have blocked all access to the site until they figure out how to cloak everything below the public_html directory.
Just remember SSotW Owner, turn off indexing and insert index.htm[l] files into your directories. It should be safe to reopen once again after you do that.
rare treat
As a personal friend of the developer of this site, I have to let you know the completion of the site is not until January. The site has been temporarily removed for obvious purposes. Only a trailer was intended for viewers, not the other materials. I also understand that the developers intent on the site is to help active Jehovah's Witnesses find out the truth about the Watchtower. The developers understand that many ex-Witnesses have seen some of this information before, but I assure you there is a lot you have not seen.I guess we will all have to wait until January to see the final unveiling.
I'm being asked for a user id and password.
The developers understand that many ex-Witnesses have seen some of this information before, but I assure you there is a lot you have not seen.
RT, thanks for posting and welcome to the board. We look forward to the site...sounds interesting!
I also understand that the developers intent on the site is to help active Jehovah's Witnesses find out the truth about the Watchtower.
Please take my previous and now current criticism as respect of your undertaking. After viewing much of the imagery and listening to the soundbites that are on the site, I would have to say that any active JW will immediately be "scared" of your site. If your plan is to reach any jw who is honestly searching for the truth about the truth, then I would have to say that your site will not appeal to your planned target audience. The first thing that came to my mind was Halloween/Twilight Zone. And as you know, JW's turn their heads away very quickly when such material is shown to them. Even though the base material itself is sound, the theme appears to miss your target audience.
Again, I'm not knocking your website design(cuz I see that a lot of work went into it), but rather, the theme may be a little to out-there for your r&f jw who is looking for the truth about the truth.
Dang... it's demanding a password... I guess they don't want any pre-production peeps
Baba -
Seems to need login credentials? How do I obtain these?
kool aid man06
I saw the trailer and i saw a good portion of the website, it is fantastic!!! It is the most graphically animated and thought provoking website exposing the Watchtower organization! Perhaps the scary undertones, and shocking audio and video clips will get the attention of 'card-carrying' Witnesses. This website will obviously get the attention of the Watchtower Organization! Although it won't be released until January, It's definetely going in my favorites! By the way, the 'sex witch' is not who you think it is.