Chat Rooms—How Can I Avoid the Dangers?

by moomanchu 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • moomanchu

    JWD IS Introducing Moral Corruption

    "I was in a chat room with a group of people who I thought were all Jehovah’s Witnesses," says a youth named Tyler. "After a while, though, some of these people started disparaging our beliefs. Before long, it was evident that they were really apostates." They were individuals whodeliberately tried to undermine the morals of those who they claimed were their fellow believers.

    God’s Son, Jesus Christ, warned that some of those who followed him would turn on their companions. Matthew 24:48-51; Acts 20:29, 30 The apostle Paul called such individuals in his time false brothers and says that they "sneaked in" to do harm to those in the Christian congregation. Galatians 2:4

    The Bible writer Jude says that they "slipped in" with the goal of "turning the undeserved kindness of our God into an excuse for loose conduct." Jude 4 He also describes them as "rocks hidden below water."—Jude 12

    Notice that both Paul and Jude identify the stealthy methods often used by apostates. These Bible writers noted that the apostates "sneaked in" or "slipped in" with the purpose of morally corrupting those in the Christian congregation. Today, chat rooms offer suchcorrupt ones the perfect cloak for their devious endeavors.

    Like rocks hidden below water, these false Christians mask their real intent beneath a pretense of concern for Witness youths. But their goal is to shipwreck the faith of unwary ones.1 Timothy 1:19, 20

    This journal, as well as other material produced by Jehovah’s Witnesses, has repeatedly warned of this particular danger.Therefore, anyone you meet in a chat room ostensibly set up for Jehovah’s Witnesses is, at best, a person who disregards such counsel. Do you really want as friends those who choose to downplay Bible-based direction?—Proverbs 3:5, 6

    If you are here you are doomed!!!!

    Let it be written let it be done.

    While chat rooms are a relatively recent phenomenon, the tendency for humans to lie and deceive is as old as history itself. The Bible reveals that the original liar, Satan the Devil, pioneered the tactic used by some chat room visitors. He disguised his real identity before telling his first lie. (Genesis 3:1-5 Revelation 12:9, 10 You can avoid being duped by liars by following King David’s example. "I have not sat with men of untruth," he wrote, "and with those who hide what they are I do not come in."—Psalm 26:4

  • crazyblondeb


    Your just now noticing this?????

  • Woodsman

    On deception then, why don't Jehovah's Witnesses go to the doors and say "Hello, we are Jehovah's Witnesses and we are here to try to convince you to be Jehovah's Witnesses"? Instead they say, We are Christian volunteers, We are doing a volunteer work, We are Bible students, etc, etc, etc..

    They try to hide their identity to subvert the faith of others by using cunning and deception.

  • Abandoned
    This journal, as well as other material produced by Jehovah’s Witnesses, has repeatedly warned of this particular danger.Therefore, anyone you meet in a chat room ostensibly set up for Jehovah’s Witnesses is, at best, a person who disregards such counsel. Do you really want as friends those who choose to downplay Bible-based direction?—

    I guess this makes you a hypocrite then huh?

  • robhic
    Satan the Devil, pioneered the tactic used by some chat room visitors. He disguised his real identity before telling his first lie.

    Where, again, did satan lie? Was it when he told Eve she wouldn't die (which she didn't...) like the great truth-teller jehoobah said she would?

    Satan gets a bad rap but where exactly did he lie? Looks like someone else was doing the lying above...

    Satan gets a bad rap

    Are you a devil apologist?


  • 5go

    Seing as the society is so legalistic. I shall be as well this technicaly isn't a chat room. It a web board or a post forum. Chat rooms are live forums and I never go in to them, there I am clean. HA HA !

  • mrsjones5

    I used to go to the jw chat room on yahoo. It was too cool and mostly populated by xjws, a few jws and the like. Yeah it often got wild in there, a lot of fighting, booting, flaming, etc but I mostly went on there to hang out with those who got out like me. At times jws would come in there and demand all of the xjws leave or ask why were xjws if it was a jw room (like the society owns everything with jw on it) and we would come back and ask them why were they in there since the society had told them not to go to such rooms. No jw ever had a good answer for that one.


  • lovelylil

    Notice how the so-called apostates "sneaked in" or "slipped in" and tried to get people to follow them? The WT uses these terms to make it seem like apostates are everywhere and are undercover trying to sneakily undermine their beliefs and that we wish to make them followers of ourselves. This is totally false!

    First of all, we are not going into the kh and trying to persuade anyone we are right or looking for people to join us here at the forum. Nor does any other site or chat room go looking for members in the kh do they? No. In order for the JWs to learn about us - they have to "sneak in" here themselves. Also as far as I know not one apostate I am familiar with has started his/her own religion. So to say we want the active JWs to follow us - is another lie and the WT knows it. What they really want is to stop loosing members and they know the internet has been instrumental in helping people leave the org.

    The WT uses basic scare tactics that keeps the jdubs in constant fear to look at anything or anyone that could be deemed apostate. Its the old "apostates are out to get us" mantra that they want the jdubs to constantly recite but just because they say it, does not make it true. Their hope is to keep people from going onto these sites in the first place by saying they are set up just to tear down the "truth". What many jdubs fail to understand is that the people who are going to these websites are already questioning the WT. They know something is wrong but may not know what exactly. Many have found true answers on these sites.

    But again, the WT has everything in reverse order (typical), apostates do not go on membership drives looking to make others leave the org. Frankly I know of many who don't really give a hoot about any of the dubs once they are free, unless they are close family members of theirs. In order for an active dub to be affected by a site like this, again, he/she are the ones who must "sneak" in here under cover and poke around for a while. And many have, and thus have left the tower. That is the true fear of the WT, loosing all their members thanks to the internet highway of information that can be shared all over the world. They can no longer hide behind closed doors at Bethel. Hallelujah for that! Lilly

  • Backed away
    Backed away

    First of all, we are not going into the kh and trying to persuade anyone we are right or looking for people to join us here at the forum. Nor does any other site or chat room go looking for members in the kh do they? No. In order for the JWs to learn about us - they have to"sneak in" here themselves. Also as far as I know not one apostate I am familiar with has started his/her own religion. So to say we want the active JWs to follow us - is another lie and the WT knows it. What they really want is to stop loosing members and they know the internet has been instrumental in helping people leave the org.

    Perfectly worded LovelyLil!

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