The WBT$ prints an incredible amount of literature..Jehovah`s Witness`s usually buy multiple copies of everything..Where does it all go?..You can`t throw it away or burn it,only Satan burns Watchtower Literature..LOL!!..My mom has floor to ceiling copies of all of it..Every JW I know has a garage,basement or spare bedroom filled with it..There must be millions of dollars worth of WBT$ literature that has never been placed door to door..Where did most of your WBT$ literature really go?...OUTLAW
Where does most of the WBT$ Literature really go?
by OUTLAW 22 Replies latest jw friends
DannyBloem..I think thats were most of it went,after we found out the truth about the truth..I mean before that,when you thought every word was from God himself...OUTLAW
I had stacks and stacks of it EVERYWHERE too. When one old sister died, we helped clean out her house and we obtained much of her real old stuff too. (Wish I had some of that still) But, eventually it would be so out of control, I would HAVE to throw it out....bags at a time.
Every witness has a "stack" of magazines. Every congregation has a "stack of non-moving literature. Even if the literature is "place," it probably is not read.
I remember one quote in a KM years ago that indicated that less than half of the r&f keep up with reading the mags.
What a waste of time and effort.
When I was a believer a lot went to either laundromats, telephone booths, or the recycler. Since I left I've thrown hundreds of books, magazines, etc. into the recycling bin.
While I was a JW I had tons of unplaced lit. we used to start the wood stove or fireplace fires, WT and Aw rolled tight also act like little fire logs to keep us warm in the winter and cut down on heating costs.
While I was a JW I had tons of unplaced lit. we used to start the wood stove or fireplace fires, WT and Aw rolled tight also act like little fire logs to keep us warm in the winter and cut down on heating costs.
What a wonderful blessing from the fds.
You can`t throw it away or burn it
Yes you can, I burned all mine. It burned very well, especially the watchtowers and awakes.
I used to secretly bag it up and throw it out. Damn I felt so guilty afterward. Now I couldn't care less.