The WTS makes me so ANGRY....I just talked to my sh*t head step dad who treated me like crap all my life and who is now trying to tell me how APOSTATE I have become and how it was ME who LEFT my mother in the first place when I left the DUBS...(So I shunned her first????) He said he could hear the "apostate" in my voice....God I HATE IT!! There is no reasoning with them at feels so hopeless. I can't believe how quickly I have become labled as apostate....and yes, I am an apostate of the WATCHTOWER...but never of the Bible or God. He is so brainwashed...and he has never even been baptised. He said "It is the closest thing to the truth"...and I said have been told that, I would have said that too....He said "I haven't been told ANYTHING to believe" Whatever..........I HATE THE WATCHTOWER SOCIETY OF AS&HOLES
I am sooooooo upset
by megsmomma 22 Replies latest jw friends
I've made a rule for myself never to talk about the society or anything dealing with religion with my parents. Things have gotten heated and there's just no point to it. So when the subject comes up I just say "let's talk about something else" sometimes that works and sometimes it's doesn't. But since my parents and I aren't talking right now it doesn't really matter anyway.
You're not alone Momma.
My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
NG Definately no Xmas card for him!
Its amazing that all of those people associated with the JW's repeat the exact same words and thoughts, yet they claim they are not brainwashed, or programmed through the WTS literature to think a certain way.
compound complex
Dear Megs,
You must have just posted; the 7:01 news just came on. I'm just up again after spending some wee hours here at JWD. A bit in a fog. But your justifiable rage came piercing through. Please remember Pro. 19:11 about insight or discretion slowing down rage. We here have learned, if we didn't already know it, that either out of ignorance, or "upholding righteousness", or at the worst, maliciousness, JW's can drive you nuts. I am/was on both sides of the fence. Being labelled is horrible. A tormented friend I've been comforting has alerted me that his wife is threatening to turn me in. But I understand her and her emotional make-up, how she's so tied in to the Society. She is not yet able to reason as we here have learned to. Your life seems at the moment---and for longer, I guess---to be hell. Hang in and around today. You're going to get more loving help. Will check in again when I'm awake.
In loving support,
and he has never even been baptised. He said "It is the closest thing to the truth"...
WTF? He's not baptized but he has the balls to preach to you? I'd be reminding him that if he believes this is "the Truth" and he doesn't get baptized, that his fate (according to the WTS) will be the same as yours---birdie food at the Big A. Which is coming soon to a theatre near him.
...(So I shunned her first????)
Incredible isn't it? I got the same thing from my mom. I so feel your anger and frustration, you are not alone.
He said he could hear the "apostate" in my voice
All you need to do is ask a few questions and you will sound like an "apostate" to any J.W.
My wife and I were discussing some WT related issues once and she said "Why don't you ask Elder So and So about this?".
I told her "If I ask those questions, what do you think THEY are going to think?" She says "That you are an "apostate". I said "case closed".
I've been out for fifteen years. My mom would wail and moan about how she just wanted "to have one of my children with me in the new system"... on and on, guilt trip.
But my parents and I never did really speak about doctrine. I made sure of this.
Now, fifteen years later, I can discuss rationally with my father about the issues I have and the issues he has personally experienced with the Witnesses. He now, finally, sees the lack of love, the two-facedness, the deceipt.
The only thing you may be able to do is to keep peace and be patient. By example, show that life on the outside is not what the WBTS makes it out to be. If he sees you happy, successful, etc., that may be a testament in itself.
But, and I know this is hard to do, remain calm at all times. Don't let him goad you into a fight because that's likely what he's looking for.
He doesn't even understand in the slightest what he is saying he believes. He is in Texas working, and my mom lives in Nevada. They have never been anything resembling close in their marriage. My mom constantly is telling people how much she hates my step-dad and if it weren't for Jehovah, she would have left him a long time ago. Meanwhile, she enjoys his money and being able to be a victim of having an unbelieving mate (Poor poor her)
I have calmed down now, but I just can't believe how it is impossible to get in a single point with him. I made some good points, but he overtalked everything I was saying, so he didn't hear a thing. He says he hopes I find an organisation to help me learn the Bible...cause God always had an organisation, but when I said I have been to a church that doesn't require all kinds of made up laws, he tells me that "even the Bible taught standards".....HUH?? I have standards and live a very "good" Christian lifestyle......Just because I am not a JW, I have no standards.
I will not be speaking about any of the things I have learned to any of them anymore. I don't think I will be speaking to them about anything anymore. They are really not my family...but I have plenty of family that does love me and don't think I am a horrible apostate. They know I have finally been set free from a cult and are happy for me, and happy to hear what I have learned.
Thanks everyone for the loving support and understanding. I shouldn't let them affect me like that.
"I have calmed down now, but I just can't believe how it is impossible to get in a single point with him."
Its pretty much impossible. For that reason, I just completely avoid anything related to religion when talking to my parents. Remarkably, it does seem to work and we maintain a very peaceful relationship simply by pre-emptively avoiding any JW-related issues. An active JW is ALWAYS correct, in their own minds and it is impossible to penetrate this shell of denial.