As ex-mormon, my exposure to a different version of the First Vision story which was quite different from the offical First Vision was my beginning way out of Mormonism. What about you ex-JW's? What, in terms of WT doctrine, made you realize that the WT is a fraud?
What was your final straw that broke your back in terms of doctrine?
by ukescott 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have struggled on and off for over 50 years with 'The Truth'. This years District Convention was 'The Last Straw'.
The last talk on the Saturday afternoon was, 'Are You Living With Jehovah's Day in Mind?' followed by the release of a new book, you can download it here from Reexamine:
The stress in that book on how to treat people and telling the truth is so in opposition to what was and is going on in my local congregation.
There is a serious conflict somewhere.
607 did it for me. When I figured out through my own research that it's not even a maybe, there was no doubt in my mind that there is complicit dishonesty from the top down.
It was the 607 - 587 thing for me too. 1914 is a very basic jw teaching and if 607 was wrong then 1914 was wrong too. Also the number of failed prophicies, I didn't realize how many there were.
Jesus said you would know his followers by the love they showed.
So it was the lack of love and all the lying over 40 years association with the WTS that made me leave.
compound complex
Hi Ukescott,
It is not doctrine that broke my spiritual camel's back, though I certainly do have gripes there. What absolutely sent me over the edge is the WT publication, 2003, LEARN FROM THE GREAT TEACHER. As a teacher, I am enraged at what the Society has allowed in that most horrid of childrens books. If I were still a proofreader at Bethel, I would publicly shred that rag at the entranceway! There! I've had my say!
Confrontationally yours,
Two major impacts:
1) The elastic 1914 generation "new light" in 1995.
2) Taking a first year biology course at University and finally realizing all the lies and twisted anti-evolution propaganda that was contained in the "Creation Book".
I had been studying the words of Matthew chapter 24 to understand the
change in JW doctrine for The End coming before "THIS GENERATION"
passed away. I asked my JW mother her opinion. She talked about why
the end didn't happen in 1975 as many JW's expected.Her story was
about how the Bible didn't say how many years passed by before Eve was
created and how many more may have passed before Adam & Eve sinned.
She had the whole thing worked out in her brain, able to clearly recite her
understanding. I looked up the information about 1975.My mother's understanding was word-for-word correct as the WT said.
I ran this story past other JW's and they all felt as I did, while explaining 1975.
They thought it was nuts, JW's don't teach that nonsense (length of creative days).
Most did not think I could find it in older WT mags. I told some of them that
I already did find it in older mags.THAT WAS THE LAST STRAW THAT KEPT ME FROM LOOKING INTO
THAT I SAW FROM LURKING ON JWD.Sorry for the long answer. Today, I felt the need to reflect on this.
There were a lot of things that bothered me over the years, but in 2005, on the memorial, the daily text was about the FDS rather than Christ. It confirmed for me that the GB had let the power go to their heads. I felt that Christ wasn't getting the recognition He should and I was really bothered by it.
Shunning family members because they had sex with an unmarried person or some other trivial matter.