Have they started using BADGES at the doors?

by Inquisitor 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Inquisitor

    Hi everyone,

    I had dinner with a non-JW friend the other night and he said that two young JW men had paid him a visit. Though they did not verbally identify themselves as JWs, they apparently wore tags (the kind they wear for conventions) that had their personal names and their organization in print.

    Now I don't recall us ever using tags for assemblies. And they couldn't have come from a DC since we've just had ours in August (?).

    Is there a new organizational rule requiring Australian JWs to wear badges for door to door?


  • Jeffro

    Sounds more like the Mormons. They wear little badges that say "Elder [name]"

  • blondie
    Though they did not verbally identify themselves as JWs, they apparently wore tags (the kind they wear for conventions) that had their personal names and their organization in print.

    He probably mistook 2 Mormon elders for 2 JWs. They wear black badges that say:

    Elder "Looks Too Young to be One"

    And then LDS or Latter Day Saints

    Unless some JW elders have independently started wearing badges to visit, it is not an official policy.

    The only place badges are worn are at the district conventions (there was a day long ago that they worn them at circuit assemblies too).


  • Clam

    Former Compulsory Badge

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    were they blonde with hair parted to the right and (for some reason) had bad skin? then they're mormons. white shirt and book-bag over their shoulder? mormons!


    Dressed in black,wearing a badges?..It was either Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday or a Mormans..My best guess is a Mormans...OUTLAW

  • willyloman

    Had to be Mormons. The dub motto is: We don't need no stinkin' badges!

  • dobbie

    I don't know about badges but in my congregation they all had id cards saying who they were etc as proof that they were jws, that they could show to the householders if they were elderly or whatever.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I've never heard of jws wearing badges on the ministry. It has to be mormons.

  • TheOldHippie

    Clam - not funny.

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