Yes, I did and talked for over one hour to a 19 year old lifer Dub. I asked him if he had put a tract in my door implying that my religion was false. I told him that I was Jewish.-oops! I asked, if his warning applied to all false religion, even his , if it was proven to be wrong?- "yes" he replied.
Then, why do Jehovah's Witnesses try and kill it's members with it's blood transfusion ban? He went into the standard JW story about abstaining from alcohol, but then getting it in a transfusion- "we don't eat blood by a transfusing it", he said, smugly.. I asked him if he was starving to death would a glucose IV provide nourishment and keep you alive?- He agreed it would. How about a blood transfusion- would that save a starving man?, I asked him.
" No, it would not , the man would still die", he answered- Ahah! I had him! So then a blood transfusion is not the same as eating blood, then? "All the blood tranfusions in the hospital will not save a starving man will it?", I pressed it home! I could feel the beads of sweat popping out on his forehead now- Sir, do you know that even the most Orthodox Jews agree that a blood transfusion does not violate God's laws against eating blood?, I asked him. "No", he didn't know about that. "Of course not", I told him, because it would destroy your WT argument about the blood transfusion ban. "If it is wrong, then God will punish your religion for all the blood guilt due to 1000's of innocent people dying from the WT no blood transfusions ban", I told him. "Do you want to share in that group punishment,too?" "No, he wouldn't" , he answered.
He told me he was going home right away and look on the internet about this and other topics we talked about- like, if Noah's flood was global why didn't it melt all the 200,000 year old glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica? Why does a zoo take 100's of people to care for a few animals and yet Noah was able to take care of many more animals with only 8 people total? Did that make sense? What about 1914,1925,1975,etc. Why does the Watchtower have a 100% failure rate on it's predictions?
It was a long hour, but he never hung up and even wanted to come visit me at home- I never told him this was a 1000 mile long distance telephone call. Maybe, he was looking for some good reasons to get out of the Borg, I hope so. I encouraged him to ask this question at the next meeting, "Why can Orthodox Jews accept blood transfusions and do not see it as violating God's law against eating blood"? That will get him on the early exit program from his KH.
I called at 9:30 AM, just as he was ready to go out in service- so I expect that he counted one hour of time on me.Whoopie!