your points about the flood, they are easily overcome by most conservative Christians.
How did the Kiwi bird that can neither swim nor fly get to Noah's ark and then manage to get back to New Zealand? Same for the Dodo and Moa birds. Why not just stay in Iraq?
How did Noah feed anteaters a steady diet of termites and how did he keep the termites alive? How did Noah keep even a simple mole alive that lives in the soil and needs a steady diet of live insect grubs? How did he keep bats alive that need to fly and catch live insects/mosquitos in flight during all the days of torrential rain? If Noah collected the mosquitos ahead of time and they have a short lifespan, how did he catch them and store them? Since mosquitos need a live mammal's blood to survive,and a quiet pool of water to breed in, their would be no mosquitos for bats or other birds to eat for a long time after the rain started.All those animals would have starved even , if they survived the Ark voyage.
Why did the kangaroos hop and swim all the way back to Australia? - When it would have been esier for them to stay near the land where Noah disembarked from the Ark?
Otzi the mummy found in ice on a mountain in Italy, died 5300 years ago,that was hundreds of years before the flood was supposed to have happened- a flood would have washed the body and his tools away from the mountain.
Do , I need to go on about the loopholes in the Ark story?- And only 8 people did all this?
As for Jews and Blood transfusions, why not talk to a Rabbi yourself?