Sacking of entire bodies of elders

by yaddayadda 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • lesterd

    In the sixties, in California a CO was doing elders wives and pioneers in just about ever congregation he "serviced". A sweeping DF happened, sime of the elders were in on it. The COs last name was Daves, then there was another named Sargent, not for morals, but a few went down then too.

    If they want to "keep the organization clean", then they should start at the top.

  • Emma

    When I was in Central Pennsylvania in the early 70's there was a body of elders I think was entirely deleted. The PO actually ran everything. He gave the talk and conducted the wt study every week. (the exception was when they had a visiting elder to give a talk), and ran the service meeting and ministry school basically taking over both hours. One young pioneer brother tried to tell others in the circuit and was nearly df'd himself. Finally an elder from a cong in the same circuit listened to him and dropped in on a Sunday afternoon. The "society" finally was involved and sent a committee. The offending brother left, taking a good chunk of the congo with him. They all met in his house for the meetings. I don't know how everything finally ended up but it was a big scandal. This brother was really looked up to in the circuit as he got lots of young people in his congregation to pioneer, and he and his wife also pioneered. I remember lots of Friday evening circuit assemblies being built around this guy. My pio partners and I felt there was something icky about him from when we first moved into the circuit.

  • Honesty

    All but one elder was 'deleted' in my first KH.

    This had just been re-assigned to my congregation from another state several hundred miles away by Brooklyn.

    Within 3 weeks he was the only elder left.

    He became the city overbearer until he got a brain tumor and died.

  • exjdub
    I was going to talk about the Wilton thing.....Wasn't there 1 elder that didn't get the boot?? Angelacos wasn't the CO there was he??


    One elder did make the cut...Jim Hilton, although I would say that Jim didn't escape in the end because I know of events that have shattered his heart into many pieces. Jim's son, who was an MS at the same time that I was and who later became a very beloved elder in Wilton, left the Borg because of doubts.

    Angelacos was not CO at the time. I remember Terry well, but can't remember where he was when Wilton was going through their issues. The CO at Wilton at the time was Anthony Nardolillo. Small guy with a big ego, who nearly had his head taken off by Bethel during the proceedings. Nardolillo was sent to straighten out everything, but ended up being part of the whole mess when he tried to protect his friend.

    Funny aftermath of the whole thing was that the CO barely escaped being removed and he knew that I knew that he had acted badly and had tried to have me removed as a MS. He finally did get me about 6 months later on a trumped up charge and they removed me. Because of the injustice we faded away. Because we "fell away" and Bethel heard about it, they instructed Nardolillo to visit us and offer "encouragement". My anger and disgust was palpable and I drilled Nardolillo with a bunch of questions he couldn't answer. So in an attempt to extricate himself from the situation he went to open his bible to an "encouraging scripture" and I told him that he didn't have the authority to open the bible in my house, nor pray over me. I told him he was corrupt and that he should have been removed along with the BOE. He left with his tail between his legs and I have never looked back.


  • exjdub


    You have mail in your inbox. If you are who I think you are I am quite surprised!


  • willyloman

    South Lake Tahoe, Calif., in the 1970s. It was a big scandal throughout Northern California at the time but none of the people "in the know' would get specific about what happened.

    Does anyone know?

  • Mary

    There was one congregation, just two hours away from here, where the entire body of elders were deleted for beating their wives and being a bunch of drunks. Now I know these are things that most elders are never deleted for, but it was so bad that all the worldly people in the area knew what was going on. Some of the elders had been arrested for beating their wives, some were arrested for DUI, so Bethel went in, cleared them out, dissolved the congregation and reassigned everyone.

    Surely this is another fine indication that Jehovah is blessing His Organization.

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