Thank you very much for pointing out the existing thread to me. I'm a little daft in front a computer screen still. I am SO SORRY--and appalled--to hear of your experiences with your elder ex-!!! It's funny how, being a victim myself, I can still be absolutely shocked at other people's experiences in this regard. My ex used to throw similar such twisted scripture trash at me, but hearing it used on someone else is when it suddenly rings out in the horrific tones that it does. I would never think someone else should have to put up with that. Yet I felt my hands were tied when it was me on the receiving end. Especially when the elders remained infuriatingly neutral about the whole thing, despite my repeated proactive attempts help to get ongoing help for our family.
You wondered in another post about if the elders would listen to a sister who's husband was unbelieving. No dice. My ex was raised a JW but 5 years inactive (not even a publisher) when I met him and when I first went to the elders for help regarding these things. They acted like their hands were tied because he was not a publisher ("Well, I can't think of anything we can do. He doesn't have any privileges, so we can't take his privileges away." --direct quote). I came away believing that if only he would get baptized, then there would be some accountability. Later he did...but still no dice. Two witness rule/ no confesssion and all that. And, of course, you shouldn't take a brother to court (which was used before and after he was baptized--JW family on his side, after all).
He's still in good standing, and I'm inactive, my last public act as a JW being to receive public reproval for unmarried sex (adultery, as my kids, my ex and his family see it, even though it was a year after the divorce was finalized. I had already stopped attending meetings before this time because...well, that's another posting.
best of healing to you