Losing Their Grip In Europe

by metatron 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    While the Society managed some very modest increases this past year ( on paper!), there's one trend that may have them caught

    by the short hairs! Their grip on Europe is slipping. Take a look at Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech

    Republic, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, and so on. Their growth is evaporating and many areas are losing publishers. I view this

    with obvious delight as this increases the pressure on the Watchtower leadership as they are forced to straddle between

    developed countries ( where the money comes from) and the third world ( where the converts come from). Europe is

    also a dandy place to force the organization into embarrassing compromises, as shown by what happened with blood

    in Bulgaria and lying to the public about not disfellowshipping people for transfusions.

    Let them rejoice over their (reputed) 1.6% increase. I can recall all sorts of other tyrants rejoicing over tractor production and

    more population under their boot - only to see it all disappear, if it ever was real at all.


  • Elsewhere

    I agree.... we cannot expect a nose-dive in their numbers. The general trend is down, but trends do include occasional up movements which are then followed by even greater downward movements.

    As I've said before... the WTS will enjoy a slow death with a quiet whisper, forgotten to history as nothing more than a curious footnote.

  • fullofdoubtnow
    the WTS will enjoy a slow death with a quiet whisper, forgotten to history as nothing more than a curious footnote.

    Yeah, and I hope it isn't too slow, I hope to live long enough to see it happen.

    They will disappear without leaving anything behind that they will be remembered for. Other religions have built churches, temples, colleges etc. which will stand for centuries. All the wts have ever done is publish billions of pieces of literature, not much of a legacy for future generations to remember them for.

  • Undecided

    JWs are just another sect of The Christain Religion. There are so many diffferent views of what the bible teaches that one can pick and chose to find one you like, or just make up your own.

    Ken P.

  • ozziepost

    Their grip on Europe is slipping.

  • DaCheech

    As seen on the figures for the past years, things are slowing and will slowly go to the neg.

    Unfortunately this will not lead to a downfall in our generation.

    The thing (and only thing) that will make them self destruct is the falling of donations from rich countries.

    Factor 1: lower numbers

    Factor 2: even though the publishers will only lower by 1 to 2 % a year at some point, the ones going to meetings will be older ones, or emotionally unstable one. thus making their contribution boxes lighter

    Factor3: JW are already cheap, wait till the uneducation of the masses comes and kicks back at the WT by not being able to contribute. (these still have to pay their own rent, and expenses, how much could be left over to give to the WT on a cleaning persons pay?)

    MY KH is always short on donations. We probably send $250 a month to the WT for 85-100 publishers

  • Golf
  • willyloman

    There is no shortage of examples of other big corporations boasting about their numbers right up until the curtain is drawn and truth revealed. Newspapers that once claimed circulation in the millions are now defunct. Enron was forced to reveal they had been making up their sales figures to keep their stock flying high, and we all know how that turned out - the company gone, its former leaders dead or in jail.

    When the numbers - whether it's circulation, sales and profits, or memberships - are a corporation's lifeblood, they will do whatever they can to keep them pumped up.

    Newspapers and energy companies have auditors who are supposed to reconcile the numbers. Who audits the WTBTS?

  • Golf

    OK, throw in your 2 cents. "...and because of the increasing lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off." (Matt 24:12)I certainly didn't cool off, did you?


  • diamondblue1974

    The words Enron, Maxwell, and BCCI all spring to mind.

    To the outside world these organisations were performing well but were rotten to the core.

    Paper means nothing!

    Just my opinion


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