I attend a FWB Church up in Kentucky with my non-JW family. I really enjoy the church and the people. Am I the only XJW Freewill Baptist? I dont attend often, but every chance I can I go to church up there.
Any Freewill Baptists?
by Junction-Guy 17 Replies latest jw friends
Uhhhh.... no.
Hey, wait a minute. You know where I attend cuz you've been there too.
How does it feel knowing that you and I, according to Jehovah's organization have entered satan's den?
They were right about one thing, though:
w81 8/15 p. 28 par. 14 Serving Jehovah "Shoulder to Shoulder"***They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such ‘Bible reading,’ they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom’s clergy were teaching 100 years ago, and some have even returned to celebrating Christendom’s festivals again
Yeah Honesty it feels good. I can go attend church anytime I want and not feel guilty. Church can be a very uplifting experience for me, as opposed to the kingdom hall where everything was so staged and predictable.
The saddest thing about being a JW is that the Kingdom Halls foster religious depravity and defeat spiritual journeys.
When i was in the 6th grade and a jw but not babtised, I went to church with one of my friends from school. A "wordly girl" and I went to her chruch, If felt like jw himself was going to strike me down! And i felt so dirty and awful for the longest time! But now I could give two hoots.
the last church i went to was Dec 2002 and that was my last meeting with the dubs. have not set foot in a church since, not even to get married.
I'm an EX-JW Southern Baptist. Does that count?
yeah that's close. I was just wondering if I was the only one on this board.
Excuse my ignorance - but what exactly is a Freewill Baptist?
A Freewill Baptist doesnt believe in "once saved always saved", Most FWB churches preach from the KJV Bible, and they still practice feetwashing as Jesus did. Their worship styles can vary from a few formal type services in the city churches, to impropmptu services in the country churches.
They are mostly a rural denomination. Their stronghold is in the Ohio Valley states of Ohio, Kentucky, and WV. There are about 230,000 FreeWill baptists in the USA.
Oklahoma also has a large amount of FWB churches too.
The denomination headquarters is in Nashville TN, and they do have one or 2 colleges. All churches are autonomous, some churches join in various local associations with other FWB churches. Some churches are independent of the national association.
Most churches are usually small with about 200 in attendance. -
Five point Calvinist with Charismatic leanings here