Any Freewill Baptists?

by Junction-Guy 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    Im not familiar with all the points of Calvinism. I believe the United Baptists in Eastern Kentucky are calvinistic, but not really sure. Does predestination encompass any parts of Calvinism?

  • Junction-Guy

    Also Twinkletoes, alot of the singing and preaching styles in Eastern Kentucky baptists originate from the Brittish Isles in the 1600's and 1700's.

    We usually hold footwashing services twice a year, once in April and once in August. The men sit on one side of the church and the women sit on the other, several basins of water are brought out, along with towels. Men wash the mens feet, and women wash the womens feet.

    After the service is over, they usually have a big dinner on the grounds, with a 30 foot long table of the best country cooking around.

    Amanda and I always loved to go on footwashing sunday, it was a "no miss" occasion in our house.

    Many fond memories.

    I still miss Amanda and think of the times we spent in Kentucky especially at church.


    T = Total Depravity (No "free will", rather that the "will" is in bondage to sin just as the rest of man is).

    U = Unconditional Election (Election is on the basis of God's choice alone).

    L = Limited Atonement (Christ's death saves the elect only).

    I = Irresistable Grace (the Grace of God canot be resisted).

    P = Perserverance of the Saints (a trully saved Saint may occasionally fall into sin, but will not remain in that state).

  • junctions-wife

    one more thing about freewill bapbtist preachers there is alot of shouting and screaming. it really is fire and brimestone on the bull pit. Dave really enjoyed the visits. I usually went cause of him. I enjoy the more soothing sounds of preaching and minstering. I fell in love with a church in Tenn and it was Southern Bapbtist. some of the preachers in a FWB church you want to look at them and smack and remind them to Breathe. LOL.


  • Junction-Guy

    Thanks XJW4EVR for reminding me of that.

    Hi Amanda, yeah those FWB preachers can get a little heated sometimes.

    Alot of times in FWB churches someone will get up to testify and they will end up preaching right there from the pew.

    Alot of FWB churches allow anyone from the pews to get up and sing if they so choose.

    When they start asking for prayer requests, this is a good time to catch up on all the local news, and find out who is sick, and who is having medical tests, and so on and so forth.

    I have often asked them to remember my lost loved ones in prayer, especially my JW family.

    FWB's also annoint the sick with oil and lay on hands, but this only happens infrequently at our church.


    One other thing. Though I am a five point Calvinist, I attend an Arminian, Pentecostal church. I love the Pentecostal/Charismatic form of worship, and I love the way this movement outreaches into the inner cities.

  • Junction-Guy

    Cool, I have only been to 2 pentecostal churches, but I enjoyed them.

    FWB's are similiar to Pentecostals in that they are a very emotional people.

  • Junction-Guy

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