Revelation Climax, page 52, Kindly Respond

by compound complex 116 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • avidbiblereader

    This picture has always stuck out from the day I saw it when I was a witness, IT JUMPS OUT at you and I am sure that it had to when they reviewed it, the Society pays a lot of attention to detail and this is obvious, Some other points that do not make sense

    1) His hand is positioned backwards, turn yourself around and try to hold your hands like the picture

    2) His hand is deformed or else he has 6 fingers, where is the thumb?

    3) Why do the "anointed" have iron rods, there is no mention at all in the Bible that they possess these, only Christ is said to wield the iron rod, which makes sense in the picture, he is the only one swinging and smashing, but why do they have an iron rod when it is not mentioned specifically in the Bible?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Just and Avid:

    I just got off the phone with a friend, discussing page 52 among many other things. He, likewise, noticed the weird claw and told me that the only way he could get through the hour study was by studying the illustrations.

    Interesting point about the iron scepters - never realized that. I do think that is a thumb, Avid, at top. I am doing the repositioning that you suggested.

    The GB claims that they review EVERYTHING!

    Thanks again,


  • JCanon

    Yep, something definitely is amiss.

    I think the message is rather Satanic. Those claiming Satanism as part of the WTS organization, for instance, mention that not partaking of the emblems is their Satanic rejection of Christ. In this picture, Christ looks old and blind. The speed marks across the claw hand can go in either direction. It looks like the arm is moving to the right, but it could easily mean the claw hand is quickly moving to the right. The hand is dark, meaning it is something hidden, something underhanded and dark. What could that be? Well, since the hand is clearly moving away from the arm of Jesus, it suggests something was taken out of Jesus' hand, and since he is blind he didn't notice it. And what could that be? His IRON SEPTER. As you can see, everybody has an IRON septer except Jesus, whose septer is not iron at all but made out of wood with an iron ball on the end. And that's how we know this is a phony, anti-Messianic artwork. Jesus is being depicted with a wooden septer not an iron one, his iron septer has been swiped out of his hand without him noticing it and given to the person behind him. The septers have been switched! Notice how definitively the iron scepters are in the hands of the angels behind him, but none of those details on the more prominent scepter of Jesus.

    Maybe the message is that the rebel angels have the iron scepters to destroy the Bible and Jesus only wields a wooden scepter. He thinks it is iron but it has been switched on him before he knew it, which he doesn't notice, because he is blind, old and feble. It's time for the rebel angels to take over now and have the strength and authority of the iron rod. This is how the Illuminati thinks. In some ALCHEMIST art, it depicts chopping down of the pillar, connected with Satan killing the messiah. This is celebrated in another way where bruising him in the heel had become cutting off his feet, which is the same as cutting down a pillar since the whole body stands on the feet. Also, of course, castration, the emasculination of the messiah, neutralizing him in some way. That theme can be understood here where Christ's iron rod is replaced by a wooden one, thus Satan's rebels triumphing symbolically over the messiah.


    If you notice the woman holds a branch, just like VIRGO! Virgo is the ancient concept of Satan as the "woman and her seed" the branch representing her seed. The woman bruises the messiah in the heel, that is cuts off what supports him. She thus cripples him, neutralizes him. That same concept could be seen if she is depicted replacing his iron rod with a wooden one. It's the overall Satanic subliminal message to INVALIDATE Christ as the rightful heir and to rise above him. Get others in heaven to rebel against Christ, thus take up the iron rods themselves, which should have only been reserved for Jesus.



    This is sooo RUSELL. All Bible talk up front but all that occult Satanic stuff in the background.


  • compound complex
  • hamsterbait

    You must remember that the FDS takes advice from doctors architects and scientists.

    Look at the picture carefully.

    The Spirit creatures shown have had their spectra shifted into visible bands of light. "False color imaging" as astronomers say.

    bear in mind that Christs sceptre is moving at prolly the speed of light or more, the air in front of the sceptre becomes superheated, and filters the wavelenths of light passing through it. The perturbations in the time space continuum, then disturb the passage of the photons so some arrive sooner than others at the picture surface, hence distorting the hand.

    Hell - you 'postates know squat about science - why you think the Witchtower babble an' Trash Society Mo' successful dan yoU?


  • hamsterbait

    Geeze -

    No contemporary artist follows all the rules for shading anymore!

    Look at Mondrian's cherry tree. or his sunset on water. Shading of an image now does not have to follow traditional rules.

    When the WT uses an image of an unmade bed surounded by filthy knickers, dirty crockery, and used condoms to illustrate the state of this wicked system of things, I will believe they know something of contemporary Art.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Hamsterbait.

    Your assessment is truly amazing. I never looked at this from a scientific viewpoint.




    Coco..I have no idea what this thread is about..LOL!!..I have viewed the picture though......................It` looks as though a clawed purple hand popped out of someones Ass..And....Is crabbing someone elses Septre..........I believe this art may have been drawn during the time the WBT$ had a huge Gay problem at Bethel..No I`m not joking..But..It`s still funny!!....................................LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, OUTLAW, for responding. Makes you wonder if what's going on at Bethel has any bearing on the nature of the writing and art.

    It amazes me how this old thread always elicits so many reads when bumped up. Two hundred-thirty some hits this time.

    Thank you again!


  • iknowall558

    I thought the hand only had 4 fingers..........there is also another image on page 159 in the Revelation Book. Another hand, coincidentally, ............a far more obvious image.

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