Do you just tell them to STFU?

by lola28 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • lola28

    Okay so this is my rant for the week, I have someone on myspace that sends bulletins everyday, and she always writes things like "Jesus loves you" or "god cares about you" and I have to tell you, it annoys me a lot. I don't know if there is a god but even if he is out there I want nothing to do with him, it pisses me off when ppl say things like "Just trust in god he knows what he is doing" it never used to but now when I hear someone say that it makes me want to scream and pull my hair out both at the same time. **Sigh** I don't want to be rude to anyone but I also HATE it when people feel the need to tell me to trust in something i don't believe in, maybe I should just get a shirt that says "There is no god" maybe then people would take a hint.

    *End of rant*


  • heathen

    I think if you just take them off your friends list the bulletins will not show up . I've had to do it in the past myself because some people just write some really strange stuff and then I was removed from friends , it's a vicious cycle because their bulletin will show up on everybodies myspace .

  • Nellie

    Try thinking about it this way - you have a delete button, use it. Other than that, why do you let it raise your blood pressure? Everyone's entitled, right? Just move on . . .

  • lola28

    Ok, I should explain that it's not just the person on myspace, I can delete her in a second. I'm also talking about ppl in RL who feel the need to say things like that, it really does bother me but i also don't want to be rude to anyone.


  • heathen

    At least you get God loves you , I usually get , you're going to hell ........... I wish people would just STF up myself .I mean just because I don't like christmas even I get the you're going to hell BS . What is with these wackos .........

  • crazyblondeb

    Wait on Jehovah........he'll get 'em!!!!!

    Oh, and Jesus loves you!!!!!!

    Couldn't help myself!! You knew someone was going to say that!! heeheehee

  • startingover


    I'm with you on your rant. Every morning I read the obituaries, and to be honest I find myself shaking my head at all the variations of "He's gone to be with the Lord". I think Ill start making a collection of them.

  • heathen
    Every morning I read the obituaries

    man that's one freaky way to start the day .I think I could do without that . Feel free to post some of the odder ways they use the phrase .

  • startingover

    FYI, I don't just go straight to the obits, they just happen to be on the way from the front page to the classifieds.

  • Scully

    You could always reply with something like "Dear God, save me from your followers...."

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