Okay so this is my rant for the week, I have someone on myspace that sends bulletins everyday, and she always writes things like "Jesus loves you" or "god cares about you" and I have to tell you, it annoys me a lot. I don't know if there is a god but even if he is out there I want nothing to do with him, it pisses me off when ppl say things like "Just trust in god he knows what he is doing" it never used to but now when I hear someone say that it makes me want to scream and pull my hair out both at the same time. **Sigh** I don't want to be rude to anyone but I also HATE it when people feel the need to tell me to trust in something i don't believe in, maybe I should just get a shirt that says "There is no god" maybe then people would take a hint.
*End of rant*