How about something like this.
Dear fellow earthling. I was chatting with God the other day and he mentioned something to me that a lot of people aren't quite aware of. He didn't want me to be rude and spam people's computer accounts with this information, but he did ask me to take the time and let people know what was on his mind. It seems that a lot of people are under the impression that God cares for them. This couldn't be further from the truth. Apparently some otherwise well-intentioned people have come to this erroneous position from reading a Jewish history/mythology book commonly referred to as the bible. Well one thing lead to another and, yadda, yadda, yadda, now there's a whole sub-culture of fanatics running around and "interpretting" God's thoughts from passages of this book. The truth is that God is a creator and not an author. He doesn't do books. If he did, he'd send you this message himself. Nope, he creates and then moves on to something new.
So, if you have a second, maybe you could pass this message on to a few other people. Remember, God doesn't care, doesn't write, and doesn't have the time to tell you himself.