Why JWs and ex JWs Return to Watchtower

by Victor_E 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Victor_E

    With recent events of the WTC bombing some ex JWs and inactive JWs are returning to meetings and all the customary rituals. Some wonder what could drive such individuals to do such irrational acts. I will outline some of the factors and I admit that it could be one or more or none of these because in the final analysis only the individual person knows why.

    Fear: As JWs we were programmed to have a pervasive fear of a God that was punitive and blood thirsty with his creatures. This was masked over with all the beliefs of justice on the part of this God, the belief of JWs being the sole channel to salvation with their preaching, the belief of Satan and his worshipers being the cause of all bad things that happen to humanity and especially to JWs. These fanatical thinking processes at work with people drive them to have tribal thinking. Tribal thinking does not permit an individual to have their own original thoughts, the tribe’s beliefs rule supremely in an effort to protect itself from outside enemies. Groupthink leads to a false sense of security inside the fold.

    Doubt: The structure of doubt is a frame of reference of the person not being sure of beliefs they at one time felt certain about. In the frame of doubt the person holds on to two or more conflicting beliefs. This of course will create an insecurity and anxiety not having a solid foundation of their own beliefs. In this state they are highly proned to be influenced especially by JW family members.

    Denial: This is perhaps the most powerful mechanism that we tend to run, oftentimes outside of our own conscious awareness. The function of this defense is to keep us from feeling unpleasant emotions or to face the consequences or pay the price for being “real” with ourselves. If a person is using denial they will rationalize all the reasons of why they left or became inactive in the first place. In this state the person will deny and block out the panoramic perspective of bad things like this happening all the time in different parts of the world. Through their tunnel vision they will only believe what the JWs tell the person to believe.

    Cognitive dissonance: This happens when the person is divided inside, they are split with two or more sub personalities having opposing beliefs, values, feelings, and motivations. The person may have a part of them that believes the JWs to be what outsiders view them as, a fanatical apocalyptic group that control their members and keep them enslaved to sell their literature and recruit other members. The other part though believes without question all the programmed theology of Russell and company. It’s like no other theological beliefs can get through to this part to create a counter example to at least consider the truthfulness of this belief system. This in my opinion is the most insidious and evil acts of JWs, the programming of the person through hypnosis to believe and obey orders without ever questioning whether it’s for the person’s highest good or within divine will for them.

    "I just want to know God's thoughts the rest is details" A Einstein

  • bboyneko

    The only reasons people return to abusive relationships:
    1) Fear
    2) Ignorance

    Educate yourself, its the best weapon

  • Fredhall


    The reason why joined a abusive relationship is because I want a good spanking.

  • Englishman

    You certainly do.

    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....

  • MegaDude

    Boy, Victor, that's so true.

    My younger brother is still in. We used to be best friends, take trips together and go scuba diving, hiking in the mountains or skiing, drink together, talk. Since I DA'd, those days are gone. I sure have missed him over these years. I consider him a necessary loss though. For him I guess the losses are too great. He and his wife have a great lifestyle, really nice home, expensive vacations. He loves his wife. And he would have to walk away from all of it if he were to begin questioning what The Society teaches. His wife is a militant JDubber. About once a year he will surprise me and stop by my house. The last time he kept saying, "Where am I going to go? The churches are all corrupt and pagan! And I believe it's the truth. I believe it." It was a statement of frustration more than a profession of faith.

    Still, he won't read a book or watch a video that exposes the Watchtower for what it is. I have to believe his remaining in the Borg, when his three sisters and one brother have left, has more to do with fear than a love of truth or reality or even God.

  • Victor_E

    Hi Mega,
    Very good observation on your part! I would like to know if the Tower membership would be what it is if fear, shame and guilt was removed from rank and file dubs. In one university study researchers wanted to know why people join religions any takes on what they discovered ?

    "Great spirits have always been violently attacked by mediocre minds" A Einstein

  • MegaDude

    A prominent elder told me if Armageddon didn't come soon, the preaching work would die off. He said people were tired (including him) and that a much longer delay would result in people losing motivation to go to the kingdom hall four days a week (3 days for meetings/1 for service).

    As far as what University researchers have discovered on why people join religions, I can only guess: Fear of what's happening in this world, fear of death? A friend of mine who is a therapist said fear of death was the number one reason people joined a religious organization.

  • Victor_E

    All good reason Mega but that is not it. Any more takers ?

  • Budda Belly
    Budda Belly

    Because they never left...

  • outnfree
    In one university study researchers wanted to know why people join religions any takes on what they discovered ?

    Because they want to be thought of as good people?


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