***open a can of that yahweh's old tyme whoop-ass***
Does that now come in a travel size? LOL!
My Work Was Stolen!
by lovelylil 36 Replies latest jw friends
That is good advice. Thank you.
AK - Jeff
Lilly -
Thanx for the copy. Well thought out - I must digest it a little today.
Sorry this guy stole it - can you forgive and just move on? I know it sounds cliche. Hope you can mend the fences.
Why Georgia
Hello Lovelylil,
I do not blame you one bit for being mad. Your time that you cannot get back ever went into the effort and research for that article.
That is really lousy. He has shown he is missing some very good qualities in a friend....morals and ethics.
I am sorry you lost a friend.
Thanks Jeff and Georgia,
After thinking about it last night, I decided not to call anyone and tell them about what happened. I also emailed my friend and told him "no hard feelings" I am just glad he was able to use the article for some good.
although I don't agree that the bible writers plagurized each others original work, I can see what you are saying. And I did decide to let it go because after all I got my information from the bible, so I guess you can technically say I borrowed it. All I did was write about it from my own perspective. And after talking it out with my friend, he really did not think what he was doing was negative towards me. He will be putting a small note in the next issue saying I contributed to that article.
That article was written for an audience of people who are very new to the bible. So you may find it a little "milky". Also, in reviewing it again I think I may make a few minor changes. You can help me in that respect by emailing me your opinion on it. Maybe there is something that is not clear that I can make better. I wrote that article a while back and have grown a lot since the.
Anywyay, I started a thread yesterday about the transfiguration and we had a lot of good thoughts on it. There are so many things you can "glean" (ha,ha, thought I would throw in a WT word") from the transfiguration.
Its interesting that even AFTER being given this vision, these same disciples did not understand it when Christ was lifted up to the cross anyway! Lilly
You're a better woman than me, that's for sure. I would be wicked pissed. He would have drafted a letter from my "lawyer" threatening to sue for plagerizing my work if he refused to write a retraction immediately.
Of course, it's your words, you do what you like. But do you think Jesus would approve theft and lying? If you didn't copy the bible word for word and added nothing, then fine, give it away. But if you took time to think and put to paper your personal thoughts and research... It's your work!
My opinion is that you have now given this guy the go ahead to take what ever he finds of yours on the internet.
I personally would warn everyone and if he published your stolen work, I'd let the publisher know.