My Work Was Stolen!

by lovelylil 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    O.K. this is really making me mad. I write articles about different bible topics. They are mostly geared to new christians to help them get a better understanding of basic doctrine, christian life, and christianity in the early church. One of my articles in on the freeminds website and I also email some to friends so that they could have it put in their church journal. I don't charge for any of this work, it is strictly volunteer and I enjoy doing it. I only ask that I get credit for writing it by having the one reproducing it leave my name on it. I may write on the bottom copywrite 2006 Lilly Cruz or something like that as a reminder that although the article is based on the bible, it is my own creation.

    Anyway about three months ago, a "friend" asked me if I wrote anything about the transfiguration and I said yes I have in the past. He asked if he could have a copy of it as he is studying this topic and would like to get someone's else view. So now three months go by and another friend of mine gives me a bible journal produced by this first "friend" of ours. So I am browsing through to check out the article when one of them catches my attention. And guess what it is about? Yep, the transfiguration. Only it is my work! My words exactly, my scriptures used for support, only HIS NAME as the author. I just emailed him that he had better stop sending this out as his work when he knows it is my work. And frankly that ticks me off.

    Just thought I would vent! Lilly

  • confusedjw

    LL - that is really awful. Confront him. On the other hand it is a compliment.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi lil,

    That is very cheeky of him. He definitely owes you an apology.

  • Nosferatu

    In some ways, it can feel a bit rewarding in that someone enjoys your work that much to steal it.

    It's worse when someone steals your picture and uses it.

  • Scully

    I guess he won't be "borrowing" any more articles from you, huh?

    Seriously, though, I'd confront him about the plagiarism, and how - at the very least - his unprofessionalism has done nothing for his credibility as a publisher, not to mention your estimation of him as someone who claims to be a Christian. What is he thinking?? That "god" doesn't know what he did? Would it have killed him to give credit where credit was due?

    You just can't print someone else's article without their permission, and take credit for it yourself, and expect there to be no consequences.

  • RevFrank

    what about the transfiguration?

  • Narkissos

    Were Moses' and Elijah's images copyrighted?

    Seriously, I understand (had similar surprises too).

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    How can you be upset when someone is sharing with you in the LORD'S work?


    Gimme a break, a thief is a thief.


  • lonelysheep

    Sorry that happened, Lil!!

    Before posting any of your work online, did you have it copywritten? I know you put the symbol there. You can always mail your work to yourself to hold you over until the original work is physically at the Library of Congress ("dummy copyright", I think, because it's not official).

  • Bryan

    These days you don't need to have anything at the LOC to prove ownership. If you wrote it, it is copywrited. You just need proof you did it first, which sounds easy enough. So much for friends...


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