Does anyone else play Role Playing Games on the PC? Reason I ask is I want to play on my laptop (usually use playstation and xbox but they will be out of bounds over christmas) but am not sure what sort of controller I need as it has been that long since I used the PC for gaming? Any ideas?
Elder Scrolls Oblivion - Role Playing Games - Advice
by Crumpet 33 Replies latest social entertainment
sorry crump I play it on xbox. Not a terrrible game... a little demonic though
I don't play those sort of games not with Crumpet anyway!
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well i play bf2...& love it ( am a 3 star general ) & bf 2142. i know of girls that play.
as for rpg..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz if your looking for action the step the bf2 way
Of course a purist would say you must use the keyboard only
Yes i have asked my purile/purist friends who have said I must use keyboard only - well I find it really awkward and fiddly and am used tp the Xbox controller.
So glad that you play too - makes me feel like I am in good company and not a total girl-geek! So what are you? I just made it to Arch Mage - and am an Imperial. However am way behind in the fighters guild although currently aspiring to prowler in the Thieves guild. I;ve played so much I dream in Oblivion lands now - am constantly fast travelling to Bruma to see Ongar the World Weary for a top up of lock picks - I seem to use far more than the little book advises. Dont think I have got the knack - however it is distracting when the controller starts vibrating as it eats at the lock.... So what are you IP sec? and have you explored any of the plains of oblivion yet - they remind me of Doom and Quake ....
thanks also for the link fokyc - so nice to see that Russian septugenarians are not afraid of technology.
What is BF2 though and also has anyone played World of Warcraft - how does it compare to the Elder Scrolls?
I've played all of them since Arena. My poor little PC at home is too old to play Oblivion though. It's just an AMD XP 1700+. Maybe Oblivion will cost less than $50 by the time I upgrade and can play it.
daystar - do you go back as far as daggerfall? I havent played any of the ones in between (I didnt know the existed until I looked for daggerfall on ebay) - but I just bought Morrowind. Which of the ones post daggerfall is the best in yoru opinion?
Have you tried looking for oblivion on ebay - i thought games and stuff were cheaper in teh states anyway. I picked my xbox oblivion up for £20 inc postage which is cheap over here and am telling you it is the best £20 i ever spent in my life!!! Its a great escape and what can be more relaxing than gulping home made fatigue potions, moistening my ebony crumpetdagger with damage health potions and plunging it into a squealing troll when I get home from work? I partially attribute my having not smoked or drank for two months to the game.
It actually saves you money - however I would not say it is conducive to amicable relations with a partner unless they are into it - in fact in can be completely divisive if you have to compete for time on the station because the other half wants to play Call of Duty 3 which looks exactly like 1 and 2 and sends me to sleep in seconds!
Maybe there is an awake article coming soon - How Do I avoid the Elder Scrolls coming between me and my partner?
Elder Scrolls: Arena was the first one. Then was Daggerfall, then Morrowind, then Oblivion. Daggerfall was okay for its time, but I wouldn't bother now. The graphics will likely drive you mad as the difference between it and Morrowind is great.
I haven't tried looking for it on eBay as my PC won't play it anyway.
mouse and keboard. When you exist the dungeon right at the beginning of oblivion save the game as that way when you want to play as another character you don't need to do the dungeon all over again.