I used to feel that I could truly help people. I realized as an elder that most people were burnt out, depressed and discouraged by "The Truth"---specifically that they felt they could never do enough to satisfy the elders and Jehovah. My goal was to be encouraging, positive and approachable. But of course, now, for sure, I know this isn't "The Truth". Now my goal is to help people get out and stay out of the Organization.
Did You Ever Think YOU Could Personally Make A Difference As A JW or ExJW?
by minimus 13 Replies latest jw friends
I always felt I could make a difference, one person at a time. That is why I preferred having a one-on-one study with someone and preferred helping them see how they could better their own personal life and that of their families.
I feel I have certain abilities in this area (actually all the aptitude tests I have had bear that out).
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
“One person can make a difference and every person must try.” ~ John F. Kennedy -
I think everyone on the earth at some point wonders if his/her life will make a difference.
It is the most agonizing realization to many at the point of death that ones life made no difference and hence had no meaning.
It is the universal goal of all to be important to somebody or to many people. We are miserable if we feel completely unimportant and unnecessary.
It is often the impetus behind the many achievements of doctors, athletes, film makers, musicians, statesmen, and leaders.
So it is no wonder that we too desire in some way to add to the world of knowledge or beauty or minimize the suffering in some way on the earth.
What I find challenging is living with the knowledge that I very well may not contribute much to this life and that I have mainly been a consumer of so many good things.
But I calm myself with the new belief that the Universe is a Friendly Place (thankyou Tetrapod.Sapien)
and that nothing is required nor asked of me other than to enjoy myself and show gratitude for all that is, and walk gently on the earth.
Anewme -
I used to think that I could make a difference as a jw by teaching people my own beliefs, and by doing so help them improve their lives in the present by living according to bible standards, and in the future by safeguarding their everlasting life. 6 people who I studied with joined the jws, and I was overjoyed at the time, but now I wish I hadn't bothered them. Happily, at least 3 of them have left and 1 is inactive.
Now I'm an ex jw my goal is to help people out of the org, as I know from my own recent experience their lives will be better when they leave the jw cult behind them. I have only succeeded with 1 person in this endeavour so far.
Back in the early 70's I did what I was told I had to do so as not to be destroyed at armedgeddon in 75, When it didnt come, I became free.
I knew no one could change anything in the religion..Anyone who trys,is shut up or tossed out..I walked out..We make a difference here.What we do on this board,prepares us when we meet JW`s or people who are interested in the JW`s,person to person...OUTLAW
I think I made a difference as a JW - and I would still consider that a success. Why? Because the things I taught weren't JW-exclusive for self-betterment. I never made it a priority to teach meaningless WT-doctrine in the face of helping people to do what's best for themselves. I guess I was always an apostate in the closet, then.
I think many here are making a difference!
I would like to think I make a difference. But the moments are fleeting and people soon forget.
Say to them: "As I live, says the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?" Ezekiel 33:11
love michelle