as an elder waiting for my deletion announcement this week....I am really shocked!!!
I mean I know that things are bad.....really shocked
Thanks Dogpatch
BTW a quick Hi to DB
JWs in world politics: Jehovah's Witnesses Are "Politically" Neutral - NOT
by Dogpatch 53 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I like what Narkissos posted a the thread about the WTS involvement with cesnur:
Imo what most JWs call "politics" is actually the institutional structure and working of democracy. After all, they hardly think of Bible characters such as Joseph, Mordecai or the kings of Israel as "politicians," do they?
In representative democracy there are several ways to influence the legislative process. One is institutional (the election of representatives with a specific, although not mandatory, program). The other is lobbying, which may imply both working on public opinion (especially through the media) and secretly pressuring the decision-makers, unbeknownst to the mass of the voters and taxpayers. The latter is the least "democratic" and, interestingly, the least objectionable to the Watchtower.
The very fact that the WT representatives keep this kind of action secret and duck away as soon as it is revealed is telling. Realpolitik is to be screened away from the candid average publisher who really believes that the entire political system and religious organisations are Satan's realm, and that Jehovah will defend his people provided they stay clean from this world.
My, my, my...apparently they "rub elbows" with not only governments, NGO's , PAC's, but, many other religious groups, too. I noticed Muslim, Mormon, Catholic and many, many others.
Personally, I think they are doing a good thing by reaching out and embracing the real world.
Of course there is that pesky little problem of, ummmm...hypocrisy ?
Btw, did anyone notice all the telephone #'s, addresses, names and e-mail addressesof our former taskmasters...that just fell into the hands of the largest Ex-JW discussion board ? And Wow ! They came from a worldly org, that our former org belongs to ! Hmmm...I wonder. I have this idea it's on the tip of my tongue...
See ?
Very good post.They want democracy and freedom of speech only for
the (Governing body, that is the Hilter type).They want the R&F to be neutral.
If the R&F speak up they are (killed) Disfellowshipped.
I know I shouldn't be, but I was surprised. Thanks for posting this.
Yeah, yeah, chop my head off - but as I've sais before, I don't get the fuzz over this. This is no political establishment, these are not people governing nations or making laws, discussing taxes or foreign affairs or how much to use on warfare or whatever. This is discussing religious freedom, standing up for one's organization, exchanging views, it's sort of an extended publishing/door-to-door work. Soem of you guys have stood up in your classrooms and defended your JW faith, writing essays, and pupils today are given rewards for essays, hold talks in fron of the whole school etc. The Stand Firm exhibition has toured large parts of the world. Here they gather to discuss, and JW representatives try to give their faith as much elbow room as possible and to clear up misunderstandings, and to knit contacts in countries where they are repressed as France and Belgium and Austria. I don't get it, why the fuzz?
"This is no political establishment, these are not people governing nations or making laws, discussing taxes or foreign affairs or how much to use on warfare or whatever. This is discussing religious freedom, standing up for one's organization, exchanging views, it's sort of an extended publishing/door-to-door work. Soem of you guys have stood up in your classrooms and defended your JW faith, writing essays, and pupils today are given rewards for essays, hold talks in fron of the whole school etc. The Stand Firm exhibition has toured large parts of the world. Here they gather to discuss, and JW representatives try to give their faith as much elbow room as possible and to clear up misunderstandings, and to knit contacts in countries where they are repressed as France and Belgium and Austria."
I can understand that. (Sorry Firefox doesn't do quote boxes)I used to wonder this myself. The problem is that they are using so-called worldly tactics rather than waiting on Jehovah. Its the same kind of double standard Ray Franz spoke about in ISOCF with doctors and the blood issue. Can you imagine them telling regular publishers that they can serve on union boards or as shop stewards? Or sanction them going to seminars and conferences to network with others in their fields? Even when they don't criticize it, they scare the s**t out of you by warning you of all of the terrible dangers involved. They make it sound like everyone who attends these things are making out in the halls and committing adultery behind their spouses backs.
tsof -
darth frosty
C'mon now. They were led to believe that this was a meeting to ensure that the district conventions could be organized. This is just another attempt by satan to make the WTBT$ look bad (as if they dont do a good enough job of it on their own.)
Great find. I love this board. Every time I come here, I find more and more validation of why I left that cult (as if I needed any more.)
I am pretty sure the OSCE has quite large a library.
What are some of the main "goals" of this meeting?
2006 OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM)
The 2006 OSCE HDIM took place in Warsaw, Poland, from October 2-13, 2006. At the top of this year's agenda were anti-trafficking and non-discrimination issues. Other special topics for discussion included access to justice and promotion of tolerance, and mutual respect and understanding.
U.S. goals for this conference include:
• To demonstrate U.S. commitment to human rights and democracy, and to show support for NGOs working in these fields.
• To generate political will among OSCE participating States for implementing OSCE commitments in the Human Dimension.
• To exchange views on Human Dimension topics with other delegations and NGOs.
• To raise the OSCE´s public profile as an organization tackling current threats to stability and human dignity and to raise awareness of the relevance of the Human Dimension within the organization.So the main "goals" are to:
(1) Promote human rights and DEMOCRACY
(2) To grenerate POLITICAL will
Now do you see any words in those "goals" that even remotely mention God? Jesus Christ? The Holy Spirit?
It is all POLITICS and participating in GLORIFYING organizations of the world! In-other-words, more SPIRITUAL FORNICATION!
Cheers! Atlantis-