My Xmas Card Delivered to the Kingdom Hall!!

by AK - Jeff 47 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mouthy

    Grace - do I get to count the time it took to make it - kinda'

    Well of course darling We dont want to lie do we ???count every minit!!! ((((HUG))) Your the best

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    This is just beautiful.

  • blondie

    *** yb75 p. 147 United States of America (Part Two) ***

    Yes, in those earlier days, dedicated Christians commemorated birthdays. Well, then, why not celebrate the supposed birthday of Jesus? This they also did for many years. In Pastor Russell’s day, Christmas was celebrated at the old Bible House in Allegheny, Pennsylvania. Ora Sullivan Wakefield recalls that Brother Russell gave members of the Bible House family five- or ten-dollar gold pieces at Christmas. Mabel P. M. Philbrick remarks: "A custom that certainly would not be carried on today was the celebration of Christmas with a Christmas tree in the Bethel dining room. Brother Russell’s usual ‘Good morning, all’ was changed to ‘Merry Christmas, all.’"

  • lovelylil


    You are priceless!

    Kid -A

    I nearly choked on my lunch you had me laughing so hard with your bethel xmas presents ideas!

    I'm still laughing, LOL Lilly

  • lovelylil


    Thanks for posting that. I think I get it:

    "your faith is more precious than gold" - right?

    If they really wanted to "bless" the bethelites for xmas, they should have given them all a one way ticket out of bethel. Lilly

  • tan


  • candidlynuts

    is that hitler at the far end of the middle table?

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Hello AK-Jeff:

    I find experiences such as your interesting. While I am an active JW, I am by no means an apologist. Please don't take this as attack, as it is not meant to be. I am seeking to understand human motivation.

    Can you answer why you did what you did? If am am correct in my understanding of your posts, you no longer want to be a JW. Why would you care to place a Christmas card on the door? I understand those who are trying to "get out the message" on the child abuse issue. But, why did you bother with a card?

    The brothers and sisters don't care about you or what you are doing. Why do you care about them? They are not thinking of you, and they are not emotionally invested in you. Why are you still expending emotional energy on them?

    Actions such as these will not cause anyone to "think." Just about everyone knows JWs used to celebrate Christmas; doing away with such 'vestiges of false religion' is one of their bragging points.

    You, of course, are not the only one who has posted about doing such things. But, you express yourself well, and I am hoping for some insight.


  • Clam
    is that hitler at the far end of the middle table?

    Strangely enough, Hitler wasn't at Bethel in Xmas 1926 but was delivering his own Yuletide message over in Germany. He thought it appropriate to compare his own historical importance favorably with that of Jesus. Christ had changed the dating of history; so would Hitler, for his final victory over the Jews would mark the beginning of a new age in the history of the world. "What Christ began," he observed, he, Hitler, "would complete." 'moving a tad off thread' Clam

  • juni

    Ah Justitia, Jeff is just tryin' to spread Christmas cheer. He knows it won't do a rat's ass bit of anything.

    Blondie - That's a lot of coin for Russel to be giving out. What would that be in today's money?


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