Look at all those happy faces, were they all suffering from a bad case of hemorroids while celebrating Christsmas ?
My Xmas Card Delivered to the Kingdom Hall!!
by AK - Jeff 47 Replies latest jw experiences
Justitia said- I enjoy the individual friends I have at the KH; they are good people. I do distinguish them from JW leadership.
That reminds me of an old Indian story, I will retell it from memory as best as I can-
Once long ago an Indian brave was walking down a mountain path and he spotted a rattlesnake. It was a very cold day and the snake spoke to him- "Help me, please help me" .The Indian was curious and came closer. "Kind Brave please help me. It is so cold I fear I will die, pick me up and put me in your shirt so that I might get warm and live"
The Indian was a little scared, " But you are a rattlesnake and I am afraid you will bite me and I will die"
The rattlesnake answered, "I promise, I will not bite you" , So the Indian picked up the snake and put it inside his buckskin shirt. By and by the snake got warmer and warmer and feeling like his old self he struck the Indian and sank his fanks into his flesh. Shocked the Indian pulled the snake out and cried out" You have killed me and you promised that you wouldn't bite me!!"
" Well, answered the snake as he slithered away, you knew I was a rattlesnake when you picked me up"
Justitia Themis
I play with rattlesnakes all day long. I find the ones at the KH to be less adept than their worldy counterparts. However, my experience with them is why nobody, inside or outside of the organization, get's 'inside my buckskin shirt.' ...just call it an occupational disease.
So much for what Jesus found in 1919! These are God's chosen ya know!
AK - Jeff
Justicia - I have to agree that the people at the KH are good people. I love them dearly.
Makes me wonder why such good people - some I have known since shortly after suckling my mothers breastmilk - some 45 years or longer - have elected to treat me as so much sh*t on thier shoes now. All I did was use my brain and my conscience and leave a cult. Please explain that sort of goodness to me. Goodness takes on a new meaning with these folks doesn't it? Or why they 'boycotted' my mothers funeral en masse 3 years ago - though she was still a believer and I was still in good standing - just standing off a bit from them at the time? Or why due to thier 'goodness' I have had to recreate my life, since I was left without friends and some family who called me names like 'apostate' 'evil slave' and 'devil's helper' for daring to challenge the leadership?
If that is 'good people' I would rather have Moshe's rattlesnake in my shirt - at least I know what to expect from a damn reptile. Well, of course I now know what to expect from cultish reptiles too - sorry you may have to learn the hard way.
"- sorry you may have to learn the hard way."
Given that shes already hanging out on apostate message boards, she'll probably be learning this lesson pretty soon! LOL....
The Christmas Card was awesome! Kudos to whomever made that up!
Justitia Themis
Given that shes already hanging out on apostate message boards, she'll probably be learning this lesson pretty soon! LOL....
Wow. I haven't looked at this thread again until today. I find it interesting how many posters still sound like JWs. JWs do not see individuals; they see groups. Then, JWs categorize these groups into "good" and "bad." When I speak to JWs, and I mention a postive story about...say a Catholic priest...they are quick to point out how that it doesn't matter because...insert angry, judgemental, prejudicial remark here. If I dare say that there are ANY good people among the ranks of JWs on this DB, some posters are quick to point out that it doesn't matter because...insert angry, judgemental, prejudicial remark here.
And as for my "lesson", think back to all those meeting wherein a brother or sister would talk about how the world is going to learn is "lesson" soon, and then they will find out JWs are right! And wouldn't everyone "LOL?" When I hear such nonsense at meetings, it makes me ill. When I read such comments on this DB, it makes me rather sad. It seems some of you have given up so much, but it hasn't lead you to become more gentle people.
I guess sometimes you can take the person out of the KH, but you can't take the KH out of the person.