Yes you are wasting your time. Run for your life. JW people are so screwed up mentally you will pay big time on down the road if you stay with this woman. And if you ever have the misfortune of ever having children with her and she demands to raise the kids in it you will have something like hell to live in. Forget her she is bad news.
Is there any Hope?
by Agnostic Front 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Agnostic Front
Many thanks for all your posts, i suppose i had the answer to the question before i asked it but it never hurts to make sure, i guess i have the hardest part to come, apart from being a brainwashed christian fundamentalist she's a great woman! It's been really interesting delving into the murky world of the JWs i've been having a good look around this website and some others and had no idea the organisation was anywhere near as sinister as it's proving to be. I've just got my hands on a copy of Franzs' book COC, are there any other reads that you guys would recommend? I'm starting to gather some rational arguments for the next time my door bell rings on a Saturday morning.
Kid-a, I'm glad to approve of the screen name, i wondered if anyone would recognise it! Been in my fair share of mosh pits too, makes you wonder how i ended up attracting the attention of a JW, she even said that the tattoos weren't a problem!
Stillanelder, heartfelt good luck and best wishes for your transition to life with the rest of us heathens, seems to me like you're most of the way already, i hope they don't make things too hard for you when you leave.
A Paduan
about a year ago i met the most fantastic woman i've ever met
She's adamant that we can't be together unless i'm a JW too
maybe you need to get out more - with other people that is
I've just got my hands on a copy of Franzs' book COC, are there any other reads that you guys would recommend?
CoC is kinda tailor-made for JW's and ex-JW's. Ray Franz has a 2nd book, IN SEARCH OF CHRISTIAN FREEDOM. It's very thick, I have not finished it yet (I am fading, can't read it in front of the wife), not as good as the 1st one. You can enjoy it, but some stuff will just be wierd to you. I forget the author, but an older book is great- THE ORWELLIAN WORLD OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. I got it from the library. Also, cult books by Steven Hassan, COMBATTING CULT MIND CONTROL (never mentions JW's so they can read it) and his 2nd book, RELEASING THE BONDS (does mention JW's a couple of times- they will stop reading it).
I read one book by David Reed, a former member. You can search for his books. Try the library before you buy a bunch of books. I bought a few to read at work, but first read books for free, as many are older now.
she even said that the tattoos weren't a problem!
Hm, really?! Because tattoos are a big no-no with them.
It sounds more and more like she is straddling the fence. I'd be curious as to why she thinks it's okay to date a "worldly", tattood man? Aren't you? Maybe you should ask her.
Buddy, take it from someone who was married to a JW chick - YOU'RE WASTING YOUR TIME!
Even if you married this woman, you will never be happy because she will always feel guilty that she got hitched to a 'worldly' guy and not one of the 'flock'. Not to mention that neither of you will ever agree on matters related to money, children and certainly not entertainment or politics. You're going to spend your life with a zombie - lacking ambition, dreams and thoughts of her own.
Breaking up is like getting kicked in the balls - just walk it off and you'll soon get over it.
JW people are so screwed up mentally you will pay big time on down the road if you stay with this woman. You're going to spend your life with a zombie - lacking ambition, dreams and thoughts of her own. Hey! I resemble those remarks! She may be a fine catch.....but probably only years from now when she has educated herself and learned to love herself enough to get the hell out of that cult. And until then, she doesn't have what it takes to be a great partner. Everyone deserves more than that, including you.
AF: "...apart from being a brainwashed christian fundamentalist she's a great woman!"