What's the longest you ever waited for an appointment?

by JH 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snoozy

    Dentist ...2 months

    Dr.... If new usually 2-4 weeks. My usual Dr..a few days to a week.

    In a waiting room...I refuse to wait more than an hour tops..I usually start fidgeting after 30 minutes..

    I go to the receptionist and tell them I need to reschedule for a less busy day for the Dr..(Works better than griping.)

    When I go back I am usually not kept waiting so long..It's worth the second trip!


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Montreal, Quebec 5 years to get a GP and that was only because I was a friend of a patient there

    Winnipeg, Manitoba - 3 months - as soon as my Manitoba health coverage kicked in and went to see my husband's GP

    Ottawa, Ontario 3 weeks - no referral - only criteria was that I was new to Ottawa, had no Ontario coverage yet and lived in the area

    In Canada each province gets money from the federal gov't to offer free health care. How that health care gets doled out is up to the provincial governments and some are better than others

  • fokyc

    5 years for a Hernia operation, the hospital forgot me and mislaid the notes!

  • pobthespazz

    There's this old joke from the former Soviet Union , a guy needs an electrician so looks in the Yellow Pages and phones one at the end of the conversation the receptionist says they have got no appointments for another 10 years so the guy says ok I will take a slot 10 years down the line but it has to be in the morning, the receptionist says why does it matter if it's morning or evening? Its 10 years away but the guy says he's got a plumber coming in the evening.

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