What effect does 'Apostate Pressure' have on the bOrg?

by AK - Jeff 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sspo

    Very little, most of the witnesses expecially the older one are truly very happy in doing " jehovah's will".

    Their expressions of faith and love for Jah and ministry just makes me realize they will die in the religion and no one can budge them.

    Young one are definetely going to come out of the organization as time goes on because of the internet.

  • blondie

    "Apostate" information, websites, etc., did not influence me to leave. The actionsn of the WTS and its representatives convinced me that they were not God's organization. But then what? How do you leave, and once having left, how do you rebuild your life. JWD and other resources on the internet helped to stay out, find new friends and activities, learn what the "truth" really is.

    So I don't think it is so much that it influences people to leave, but not to go back.


  • Poztate

    Personally, I don't think that picketing the assemblies does too much good. Even if a Witness has doubts, they're not going to risk getting DF'd by stopping and talking to you.

    Picketing could be effective at an assembly by showing links such as www.freeminds.org The witness youth especially are using the internet more and more to research and answer questions.

    They would not have to stop and talk to the picket but only take note of the link and research it later. If you can cut off the supply of youth joining up you can effectively kill the organization since most "converts" are the children of the true believers.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Just as I started a slow fade that turned into an avalanche of fading,
    the apostate snowball that started at the top of the hill is rolling along,
    picking up more size and momentum.

    I entered the borg in 1988 after feeling that they had answers to all
    the questions about religion. I did not see that others had any
    real solid proof that they were wrong. Of course, there was proof at
    that time, but I didn't know about it. NOW- an interested person
    cannot help but stumble across anti-JW websites. There is so much
    negative stuff about JW's that has taken place that more and more
    are hearing something is wrong. The answers to JW statements of
    so-called "present truth" are all out there available.

    I also would say that I read that this is basically a 10-year-and-out
    religion. I disagree with the timing. It might take many from the past
    much longer, but I hope that it is now a 10-year religion (or less) for
    any newcomers that missed the apostate information. Really, the GB
    and their changes are so wild, that apostates could do nothing and
    many people will leave. I started on the way out before consulting
    information from former members.


    WBT$ disassociated from the United Nations NGO..That wasn`t from apostate pressure..Apostates are few and far between.. That was from,WBT$,trying to maintain damage control,after they had been caught in bed with the United Nations...OUTLAW

  • tetrapod.sapien
    Will increased pressure - pickets, websites, books, letters to fellow witnesses, have a positive or negative impact on the ultimate goal most apostates have - seeing the organization eventually crumble and fall?

    no. the borg will fall when babylon system falls, and not by itself. it will fall because the very fabric of human consciousness will no longer support it, culturally and intellectually, anymore. humanity as a whole will become more liberal, because that is the way of evolution.

    when the borg falls, all fundamentalisms fall too.

    note it.


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Jeff:

    My thoughts regarding this matter is that the media
    will help instill doubts about the organization.
    The more pressure that is applied in this area
    the better.

    The Society has "protected" the flock against most
    sources especially "apostate" sources, so most
    witnesses will turn a deaf ear toward anyone
    whom they consider "apostate."

    If the media becomes involved toward exposing
    the Watchtower Society it will leave some
    individuals wondering ... and that maybe
    the best alternative we could hope for.



    (The Wanderer)

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Just have a look at how many lurkers the are!! These are mostly JW's that are having doubts and they can come to sites like this and read the information available. It's private and no one needs to know that they are reseaching the borg. I think the internet is helping a lot of JW's make the final break from the org. I know this site and Beyond JW was very helpful for my hubby and I, when we started reading all the info there was no going back. I also think though that it only helps the ones that are already doubting and questioning. If I had come across this forum 10 years ago I would have no believed a word of it. Proberbly wouldn't have read much when I realised it was an "apostate" site.

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    I wouldnt so much say its pressure but presence, we are here and are staying, so there is somewhere people can look at both sides of it - whether interested or long time members. Most of us dont tend to go on the offensive, but we still contribute. This site is just one of many examples of where we help, additionally when speaking to people I guess we give an anti witness, based on our experiences, which in turn spreads the word.

    CS 101

  • freedomloverr

    hey jeff - no offense but I don't think apostate pressure does much for the VAST MAJORITY of wits.

    I know we'd like to think efforts here on this site or others will bring the wt down, but for every one lurker here there are 50 happy jws. the VAST MAJORITY will NEVER look at sites like this.

    I'm not saying to ease up on the apostate pressure because it does help those few that do look.

    people are going to do what they want. if that means looking on jwd or plodding along year after year as a witness. it's just human nature. we can't bring down human nature.

    when more humans become enlightened and take personal responsiblity I think we will see a huge decline in religious numbers - from all faiths.

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